Would this exhaust fan work for my veg cabinet?


Well-Known Member
Veg cabinet will be 3x3x6 and I'm hoping to veg 8 plants in there (with hopes that I'll end up with 4 fems to flower..)

Primary lighting for that section will just be a T5 setup but I have this humoungous CFL I picked up yesterday that I may add as well if I need some extra light in there. Later in veg, I'll most likely move on over to the flowering chamber and just use the 400w MH bulb in there.

Here's the T5 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002JQBQZQ

That said, I don't think that the veg chamber is going to get that hot. I saw (and purchased) this bathroom yesterday that's rated at 110 CFM and .8 Sone. "I" would think this would be enough air movement for that chamber, but I'm a noob so I'm asking the more experienced of you before I install this puppy...


Thanks for the input!


Kinda spendy but yes it will work. 3'x3'x6' is 54 cubic feet so you'll be exchanging your air more than twice per minute with that fan.

You might need a strong frame on your cab though. I've used a bathroom fan before but it was a super loud 70CFM 6 sone unit and it wobbled the shit out of my light. You could hear shit rattling around in the lamp whenever the fan was on. I ended up scrapping the fan and just using an inline.

Hopefully your fan won't rattle as much, but that's just something to look out for.