Would this work for flowering???Pics Included


Active Member
okay i made this box to put over my plant for the flowering stage and i was wondering would it work. They have no light get through and i want to start flowering my plants after about a month of vegging. (sorry for the low quality they are cell phone pics) Thanks



Well-Known Member
That black lining would actually hurt more than it might help.

You need white or something like mylar to reflect the light around your little grow cab.

Should work if you are just growing some very small plants. And I would keep an eye on the temps because it looks like it may get hot in there!


Active Member
i just am gonna use it until it gets dark and i am gonna take it off and let nature do the rest. Is that a good idea


Well-Known Member
i've seen the idea talked about, thought about years ago when i did outside grows
makes sense if you don't have to walk too far
the best thread i saw on this was one guy used garbage cans as covers with a concrete block on top to hold it down
shouldn't be on when the sun is hitting directly, so location may be an issue, covered plants in the sun will likely cook


Active Member
Well I hope ur turning off ur location thingy cause now ppl can c were u took tha pics,two issues one cops two thiefs....lol..noobs


Active Member
i think that i might use trash cans since they would be cheaper and alot bigger than this little box now i just need some seeds
If your plant is close to your house i would cover it in the early morning cause it would block the sunlight without getting to hot inside and then take it off before it starts to heat up. that should help with the humidity within the box. hope that helps