would this work or not and why

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
If you could butane extract then winterize with 99.9% then do a long 35° blown air evap. When the evap is done scrape all powder and vacuum purge while slowly increasing temp up to 65° could you make cild extracted wax?
yes you can....
why not?
I mean you might not achieve a "wax" cause you know, typically requires heat. though it's definitely possible to wax at room temp
I know you can achieve evap cold ive tried that since i first asked you qwizo. Was kinda just wondering if there was anyreason i shouldnt try waxing it cold
My theory is that is not the temp itself that waxes but the slow gradual increase in starting temp. Figure this would retain all terps and provide a winterized wax ( for the wax heads) lol
to wax it has to be near melting temp..gooey oils can wax somewhat at room temp. I don't think you'll get wax. but I don't really make alot, not my personal preference
Just put 120 grams of OG/Critical mass in freezer along with butane and iso. Ill take pics alobg the way and post them as i can. If im correct should take 2-5 days.