Would this work?


It has been raining every two days since two weeks or so. I want to feed my plants with nutes but I am afraid of overwatering... let's say that it has rained yesterday if I go feed my plants today and that it rains again tomorrow I think that would be alot of water for them so I had an idea but i'm not sure if it would work. The nutes that I have are not in a liquid form they just look like sand would It work if I drop some of it on the top of my soil and let the rain water do the job? I actually don't think it would since I suppose that the nute concentration would be too high in some spots and low in others wich would burn my plants but hey RIU seems to always have the good answer hehe so let me know what you guys think about it... is my idea as silly as i think?


Well-Known Member
Hey man thats a great idea. I use bat guano and it's in powder form...so what I'll do is culivate it into the first inch or so of dirt and get a nice even spread and yeah, let nature do it's job.

What kind of nutes and I'm assumming these are out door plants? Veg stage or flower?


My nutes are something like 20-8-20 I think from a random brand (fox farm is kinda expensive for me =/) and yes my plants are outdoors still in veg state. But like I said don't you think the nute concentration would we too high in some spots of the soil and could cause nute burn?


Active Member
WAIT till it stops rainging .
im sure you willl eventually find two days of sun on the weather channel.
over watering isnt worth the risk of root rot .
especcially when you cant control the rain .
Its hard not to wanna water your plants, but you must resist the temptation. only water when the top of soil is dry, your plants' roots love oxygen too.


Well-Known Member
Sprinkel it evenly/lightly around the base and where you can picture the root zone, and if its as rainy as you say it is...it should work out better than planned! It is worth getting better nutrients...and i ould like into gettting a product more designed for what we are doing...20-8-20 is high on P(the 8) and oveboard with K (20) for a vegging plant....and you don't want to use that much N (first 20) during a bloom cycle....I recommend Fish...anything fish...and you are going to want to get some BLOOM fertz for the fall....


I just went to my spot and my plants are getting overwatered. leaves are turning yellow and the new tops have brown in them =( If you guys have any solutions to that please let me know about it. I used a wood stick to make holes in the dirt so it would dry faster but is there anything else I can do? This is my first outdoor grow and I just realised that my soil do not contain enough perlite to drain the water. My plants are planted directly in the soil in a hole I made and added my own soil.


PTIPOUX, you have the same thing as I , I have a few big pot buried in the dirt ti keep it low, so I have at least 4 plants in a pot , overcrowding ,, yes bit weeding out the males, my garden is a non 420 in my city so i have to keep it low,,, been tying down a lot of limbs and it keeps on RAINING ALMOST EVRY OTHER DAY IN MISSOUR, DAM ,,,,, just try to keep them dry