Would this work???


New Member
Hey guys, this is my first time posting on here because i need some help from people who have exp growing outdoors :/
so here's a diagram of what i plan to do, does anyone think it'l work? Or if not what are the flaws and how can i improve it.
its an outdoor guerrilla grow on a hillside/mountain area. thanks in advance:mrgreen:
yeah it will work.. but u gotta decide how many plants your doing to determine the amount of water you need... more plants, more water, bigger resivoir ect... also how many guerilla gorws have you done its alot of work. i didnt set up a res system untill my 4th year.


New Member
damn really? this is my first.... so i guess ill have to see i'm cut out for it
would you recommend i just do can watering for my first year? i'm growing autos btw so fairly quick harvests


Well-Known Member
I like this picture . Is the water jug and the feed line buried in the ground ? How do you turn it on and off ?


New Member
Yes, they're both buried in the ground, and as for turning it on and off there will be a little screw on cap at the tip of the pvp pipe, so i'll just open the water flow from there. I guess as long as there's pressure in the jug (lots of water on top of the exit hole) then the water should come out on it's own, and gravity would do it's thing from there.


Well-Known Member
How will you be getting water to the jug? How long is the PVC pipe? Or what distance you trying for?


I actually wanted to put a handful of jugs around the area of my grow with funnels on top to collect rainwater, so i dont have to worry so much about setting up near a stream.


Well-Known Member
I actually wanted to put a handful of jugs around the area of my grow with funnels on top to collect rainwater, so i dont have to worry so much about setting up near a stream.
Find another way. Jugs all over is easy to spot. Perhaps dig a hole and line it with plastic. Have another plan for summer or backup. How much water they will use depends on soil type as well. Being your first grow my advice is to keep it as simple as possible. Packing PVC pipe and bunch of milk jugs for rain collection I would tell you to stay away from. Growing autos you may be able to just pack milk jugs in a pack. Always bring one with you during the rain. Bury them or hide them very good though.

So how many feet of PVC pipe you are planing packing to your plot? How long of trench you going to dig? And how deep?


New Member
How will you be getting water to the jug? How long is the PVC pipe? Or what distance you trying for?
The pvc pipe is 8 feet long (i'll make it longer if i should) and as for getting water up there, ill carry 5gal jugs of water up, and pour em into the 20gal reservoir buried underground, and repeat when the reservoir water is low, etc. Idk why but i feel like this won't work, though everything adds up correctly.:neutral:


New Member
At 8 feet I do not understand what you are trying to do.
I'm trying to make watering easier on myself, where all i have to do is open a cap and water the plants with a stream instead of using a watering can or buckets, etc. I'm not trying to water them at 50 yards away if that's what you thought the pvc pipe was for. Perhaps you mistook one of my replies with someone else's reply?


Well-Known Member
In terms of making things easier, I dont understand your purpose in doing this.

If you are planning on manually bringing in water to fill the jug, I think pouring water on the plants, instead of into a resivoir would be a wash, plus you got to do all that digging for the pipe and such.


New Member
In terms of making things easier, I dont understand your purpose in doing this.

If you are planning on manually bringing in water to fill the jug, I think pouring water on the plants, instead of into a resivoir would be a wash, plus you got to do all that digging for the pipe and such.
I'll just use a can then. I was Hoping since there's water already in the reservoir (20 gallons) then i would be carrying water up there less frequently and just using the res water. By doing so i would be making things easier on my self :/ i guess i'll just use cans then, thanks guys!


Active Member
I'll just use a can then. I was Hoping since there's water already in the reservoir (20 gallons) then i would be carrying water up there less frequently and just using the res water. By doing so i would be making things easier on my self :/ i guess i'll just use cans then, thanks guys!
So you would fill your res initially but depending on how many plants you have you'll need a lot of water. I burn through a 32 gallon trash can I use for mixing nutes and water for about 12 plants in 7 gallon felt pots. If they get real dry sometimes you won't even see drainage out of the bottoms. That is using stock FFOF soil. I water them every 5-7 days. That being said you'll run out of water pretty quickly. Depending on how far you have to carry 5 gallon jugs you'll most likely be hating life or end up being in great shape or possibly both but most likely the former.


New Member
So you would fill your res initially but depending on how many plants you have you'll need a lot of water. I burn through a 32 gallon trash can I use for mixing nutes and water for about 12 plants in 7 gallon felt pots. If they get real dry sometimes you won't even see drainage out of the bottoms. That is using stock FFOF soil. I water them every 5-7 days. That being said you'll run out of water pretty quickly. Depending on how far you have to carry 5 gallon jugs you'll most likely be hating life or end up being in great shape or possibly both but most likely the former.
hahaha, i might just get real fit!:-P But thanks for that info about how much you water... i had no idea water ran out that quick! Then this whole res system shouldn't be too good, i'll stick to watering cans.


Well-Known Member
I'll just use a can then. I was Hoping since there's water already in the reservoir (20 gallons) then i would be carrying water up there less frequently and just using the res water. By doing so i would be making things easier on my self :/ i guess i'll just use cans then, thanks guys!
how long do you think 20 gal is gonna last?


New Member
Seems like a lot of work to still have tolug water around. If there is water close by use the pvc to your site and set yourself up a tap. Prob not smart to trample a path from the water to your site