Would u get a mole piercing?


Well-Known Member
Well i was thinking about getting something pierced and i was just messin around and thought, i should get one of my moles pierced!:bigjoint: well i youtubed it to see if anyone has tried it, and this guy did MOLE!!! just figured id ask you fellas if you'd ever get it done.bongsmilie


Active Member
how can i put this lightly? ... Fuck.... No!!! Dude that would suck

Well I take that all back... Maybe if i were domed?


Well-Known Member
No, I would go to a doctor and have that thing mowed off of me.
I have to agree. Thats not a good thing.

I thought that if you had big or irregually shaped moles they could be cancerous. I know you aren't supposed to tattoo over them.


Well-Known Member
How about piering a large genital wart? And for the love of god no more around the mouth piercings......u spread and get sick so much faster!!!!.....think about it, u have a never healing hole near your mouth. Plus i think a no piercing BL is like 1000 times better than tounge ring...thats a cruel joke on young people..its like the bitch gotta bb in her mouth...wtf? Anyways wtf are we gonna do bringing the troops home, wanting to give the goood jobs, and thier is none....air france still not found by the way....s. of bermuda triange....hahahah!!! nobady mension that yet.


Well-Known Member
For sure i think get them removed not pirced. You could do it yourself. All you need is a strerile blade.. a hobby knife will work after a good burning off of the funk. I dug a groth out of my chest and only have a 1mm round scare. Also you will want some toilet paper, and peroxide. Cut it off, then fold up some plain tp into two 2mm thich squares, keep them dry. Then fold up some more and put alchohol. Then sandwich the two. After you slow the bleeding just apply your alchohol bandage on top and use scotch tape to secure it. It will burn a little but is the best way for the unissured to not get infected. KEEP IT CLEAN. Make a new bandage every day for about a week or less. then open air healing would be ok.


Well-Known Member
Good luck getting a job with a piercing like that, why do people have to be doing weird shit to their body? Attention?


Well-Known Member
lol i would never do it myself, i just wanted to know if anyone would. ur not spos to fuck with ur moles, if u cut one and get direct sunlite on it, chances are you will end up with skin cancer.


Well-Known Member
I got a pretty big gross birthmark that I guess I could put a couple rings in, not that I ever would. Unless I wanted a piercing on my arm.