would u rename a strain? if so what would u call it?

People hate ford cause their a pos. Nobody’s boycotting ford anymore because of nazi ford lmfao. Well. Not to that degree. That’s like the 1940s to 1980s. Maybe. With the amount of f150s and mustangs you see. 7/10 vehicles on the highway. Ford. Or ford made. Mass produced weed. Garbage. Mass produced vehicles. Garbage. Same difference. Nothing offends you unless your ass sat on the side of the road with an overheated ford motor. Or fucking exhaust leak coming thru the accelerator. Lol. Re naming a strain makes no sense because somebody else put that hard work in to earn that right. Pollen chucked or not. He/she. Made it to harvest. Gets that right. It offends you. Leave it alone. Don’t buy it. Or keep your new name to yourself. Unless you put the years of work to re create the cross to make your “own” version. Or something in relevance to that same name. Or just have fun with it.
LOL well said i like this. beyond the nonsense " u cant rename sht reply which a lot of ppl disagree also not just me n the grandma/family concept puts it that much more blatantly easy"
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Like I hate saying Cleveland guardians
Or Washington commanders. Just annoys the fuck outta me.
never heard of em but idk i kinda like it lol just the word guardians i like but i been a more fan of tampa bay recently just started getting into baseball last year even tho i was in it growing up and luckily some of their games are free on prime so i had a great time having a few brews, good food, n vapin a lil ganja watchin em. the ultimate. ppl disagree more than me n yeah there are reasons to want a rename n theres nothing wrong w that so morally and logically i disagree as stated brah. ill do as i do morally ty.
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People rename phenos they find all the time. Then you have these "luxury" cannabis companies that just name their stuff after effects like "Calm," "Energize," etc. even though they likely grow the same shit everyone else is. I think its best to pay homage to the people that put in the work before you and at least be transparent about the rename and also state what the actual name was.
People rename phenos they find all the time. Then you have these "luxury" cannabis companies that just name their stuff after effects like "Calm," "Energize," etc. even though they likely grow the same shit everyone else is. I think its best to pay homage to the people that put in the work before you and at least be transparent about the rename and also state what the actual name was.
even when its so innappropriate and offensive that not all appropriate demographics can be comfortable with? plz refer to the grandma/elderly example i mentioned above previously. i really dont think its bad at all to want a different name for something usable medically by a plethora of ppl which makes it a vast demographic.

Ok . Now the gloves are off you fucking idiot . My initial response was not at all rude unless you consider a differing opinion rude , which apparently you do .

I've done my best since joining this forum to be friendly and I believe I've been successful in that .

But for you I'll make an exception .
So like change Green Crack to Woke OG?
Green Crack started out with a different name, I have read. Supposedly Snoop gave it the nickname Green Crack. I have also read that it was the same as the stuff sold as “Charlie Sheen.” But all this could be BS, obviously, because anyone can call anything whatever they want in the cannabis industry at this stage.

If you're gonna go through life thinking it's all shits and giggles , getting worked up about perceived micro aggressions , it's gonna be a hard road .

Do as you wish but don't expect 100% agreement and compliance .
[/QUOTE ur vision is just as good as ur initial reply n morals of so. u got the x-ray vision. sry but ur wrong n cant see anything. everything i've stated is evident on here yet u reply this now. plz prove how anything u said makes sense. as i just said again for the millionth time. u should really take a look in the mirror n keep projecting urself cuz u literally just did that let alone more than one reply lmao. u look ridiculous. micro aggressions? ur same worth and agrressions as replying to "MY THREAD" initally. let alone this much as reiterated. jesus h. if u had any sense literally again when did i ask for 100% agreement/compliance and yeah ppl other than me complying was before me like the green crack green cush reference. u got proved wrong again. maybe dont be so rude to good ppl suggesting literal good things
Green Crack started out with a different name, I have read. Supposedly Snoop gave it the nickname Green Crack. I have also read that it was the same as the stuff sold as “Charlie Sheen.” But all this could be BS, obviously, because anyone can call anything whatever they want in the cannabis industry at this stage.

totally agree w u n brah ur the only person w logic and kindness to reply so far. i seen that too. i like that name better. ty for not being combative like every other person here. ur the first one. still hoping other than the WOKE OG rename to hear more rename ideas and strains that would be cool to rename.
Call anything whatever you want but don't expect anyone else to acknowledge any name you decide to give to anything.

It's like renaming a Ford and calling it a Chevy because you don't like the name Ford. It's still a Ford and that's what everyone will call it.

And regardless of what you name anything there are some places where those names can't be used even if they are not offensive at all.

Only on the West Coast. Dang you guys are party poopers anymore, :lol:
Ok . Now the gloves are off you fucking idiot . My initial response was not at all rude unless you consider a differing opinion rude , which apparently you do .

I've done my best since joining this forum to be friendly and I believe I've been successful in that .

But for you I'll make an exception .
nah the gloves have been off for me n u got ur azz kicked pssy like literally put ur money where ur big mouth is lil man u reap what u sew. give bad n get it back. as ive stated everything, its whats true n logical. u r the idiot and its evident and all documented on here. nice pic u look like ur whole house smells like bo n pet odors. ur toxic n trash af. as u can see, be kind and civilly disagree or be disrespectful, rude, and toxic and get ur azz kicked as documented on here for the world to see lmfao. dbag. i feel bad af for that pet. prayers ascended for them for a home w actual good moraled ppl.
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nah the gloves have been off for me n u got ur azz kicked pssy like literally put ur money where ur big mouth is lil man u reap what u sew. give bad n get it back. as ive stated everything, its whats true n logical. u r the idiot and its evident and all documented on here. nice pic u look like ur whole house smells like bo n pet odors. ur toxic n trash af.
also when did i say ur "INITIAL" response was rude at all? u were rude after so. and i gave u what u gave me u rude azzwipe. fkn idiot. get ur azz handed to u n u got made my btch brah. ur scum of the earth treating good ppl like me that bad. jesus let alone at all. there would never be any "GLOVES" w me brah get made to look like the idiot u r yet again immoral scum simple minded close minded dumbazz. theres ur gloves off shame on u
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Only on the West Coast. Dang you guys are party poopers anymore, :lol:
Iv never seen Girl Scout cookies called anything else other than cookies or Girl Scout cookies and skywalker plus Jedi are anchored in the industry. Permanent staple. Bruce banner. All those. Cindi 99. Staples. Can’t be changed because us. People. Won’t allow it. Weather or not they “label” it anything else.
Iv never seen Girl Scout cookies called anything else other than cookies or Girl Scout cookies and skywalker plus Jedi are anchored in the industry. Permanent staple. Bruce banner. All those. Cindi 99. Staples. Can’t be changed because us. People. Won’t allow it. Weather or not they “label” it anything else.
Just having fun with @xtsho