You can add me to that, as although having up to 3g and/or 1 female plant is officially "the lowest priority for prosecution", meaning they won't bother you, it is still 100% illegal here unless you are able to get a prescription from your doc and travel to Holland to get it. Even then, bringing your medication back over the border is still technically illegal, it's a VERY grey area, so you still have that absurdity.FAITH RESTORED ...thanks Silvio
legal in canada oct 17 but really 4 plant home grow do they have a fracking idea how long it takes to grow good weed mean while big grow govenmemt sponsed make big bucks what the jailed people for last year --- nonsenseMeanwhile Canada is the next in line for decriminalisation including recreational purposes.
The overwhelming evidence is compelling mature governments to recognise the economic benefits from removing the public bill of arrests and prosecutions coupled with a brand new market and tax revenue.
The only lobby really standing in the way, as ever, are the very old and very right wing people who cannot think and reason beyond the "All drugs are bad" mantra (Whilst thriving on opiates in hospital for their hip replacements)
I can help you grow half a kilo a month with just 4 in canada oct 17 but really 4 plant home grow do they have a fracking idea how long it takes to grow good weed mean while big grow govenmemt sponsed make big bucks what the jailed people for last year --- nonsense
Yeah some krusty style freedom buckets and a bunch of vertical 600watters....I can help you grow half a kilo a month with just 4 plants.
Close enough...Yeah some krusty style freedom buckets and a bunch of vertical 600watters....
There you go
Lousy is an understatement. Its reminiscent of a mix of stems, oregano & grass clippings. At least for what they supply for research purposes of course. Completely fair & objective because the government is full of integrity.I,m a grower for life> Fuck government cronies and their lousy weed.
Man that is soooooooo fucked up !!!Here in Florida you can shoot unarmed folks at gas stations as long as you say you were frightened. Yet they still put you in cages for growing weed.
Serious question; do you think their lives were ruined by weed or the criminal Justice system? Or to put it another way, is the punishment worse and more abusive to people's lives and futures than whatever harm might have been caused by the use of cannabis?Sticking my toe back in the water for clarification's sake. :
I live in probably the harshest state for marijuana convictions in the US.
The good ole boys down here do not play.
Got busted/profiled/demonized several times as a teenager.
Found out first hand you are the sum total of the company you keep.
Got married at 21, we had a kid; told my wife I had decided I wouldn't do it anymore until it was legalized.
Didn't want to jeopardize anything good going on in my life.
Getting high was not worth losing everything.
Fast forward 33 years later:
Medical marijuana just passed in Oklahoma.
I was one of the first to beat feet down to the clinic.
Grandpa has arthritis in his back it seems.
During that interim I held down several good paying jobs which required pee testing.
I now own my own business free and clear and work from home; semi-retired.
I have a beautiful house on the lake with lots of acreage - all completely paid for.
I have a net worth of about 1.5 million bucks.
My kids are clean, decent, happy people with no problems.
They married clean, decent, happy people and they have good jobs they love.
My grand kids are a joy to behold.
All done on the straight and narrow.
Did I miss getting high?
Yes, a lot sometimes.
Life is hard.
Was it worth the sacrifice?
I think so.
Was my family's outcome due to the decisions I made as a young man?
I think YES.
To each his own I reckon,
But sometimes I look at the County Sheriff's blotter page with all the otherwise okay kids rotting in their jail;
ham-strung the rest of their lives with felony possession convictions.
We are a product of the decisions we make.
I might have ended up being divorced, alone, in a dead-end job, scraping just to get by and pay the land lord.
I don't know if that's the case of course.
But that's exactly what happened to my best friend in high school.
Okay- now you can call me a dumb-ass.![]()