Would you call the cops if you had a couple of plants stolen

If you had a couple of plants stolen, would you call the cops and get a police report

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Well-Known Member
that reminds me of an episode of cops when the crack head called the cops on a crack dealer bc she got sold a 20$ plaster rock...they were both arrested

and that guy who posted is a pussy, he said he knows who they are and saw them do it, but didnt do anything about it. Just watched them clean his shit out.


Well-Known Member
no i wouldnt but i would deffenatly call them if my seeds popped up as males... ide drag the plants to the bush and call all athourties and newspapers and tell them i found a huge crop... watch them all come running and laff my ass off


Well-Known Member
you cant really call him a pussy without knowing about him. if he has a medical card he could have a debilitating desease that would stop him from posible being able to do anything about it.


Active Member
no i wouldnt but i would deffenatly call them if my seeds popped up as males... ide drag the plants to the bush and call all athourties and newspapers and tell them i found a huge crop... watch them all come running and laff my ass off
LOL - Not a bad idea


Active Member
you cant really call him a pussy without knowing about him. if he has a medical card he could have a debilitating desease that would stop him from posible being able to do anything about it.
Nah, later in the thread he says he lives in a small town and they better watch over their shoulder and stuff like that.....Only 1 kind of person watches someone jack his stash, then when the danger is gone, starts yapping away about how they better watch their back.....This is also only after he tries to call the cops and they don't pay attention to him.


Well-Known Member
Nah, later in the thread he says he lives in a small town and they better watch over their shoulder and stuff like that.....Only 1 kind of person watches someone jack his stash, then when the danger is gone, starts yapping away about how they better watch their back.....This is also only after he tries to call the cops and they don't pay attention to him.
haha didnt make it that far. he should of confronted them and called the cops when they where there if he was going to. i didnt know anything on the background. what kind of man would sneak up on someone....thats coward shit.


Well-Known Member
if ur legal u can call the cops but they cant do shit about it unless u know where they live...and next time..have a pellet gun on hand cuz u can shot em with a pellet gun if their trespassing and stealing off ur property..i'd unload on em lol not with a real gun but ill shot em with bb's and pellets all day


Active Member
Here's the thing...Cops aren't going to do anything if it's just a couple of plants. Would you really want the cops to know you're growing? Even if you're completely legal. Assuming they actually care and find your plants, they're gonna be all fucked up anyway so you're still not going to get them back....In the end, what have you really gained? Other than cops knowing about you, nothing.

As for being there while it happens...Let's assume you're too scared to fight them or for whatever reason you don't confront the bastards...Why not make some noise? Yell, scream, cry...whatever...I have yet to hear of a situation where the robber continues robbing the house after someone walks in on them...just doesn't happen...first reaction is to haul ass out of there...


Well-Known Member
i would say if i lived in a med state and had a card, yes, i would treat my plants getting stolen like any other theft. if i lived in a state which was illegal to grow in, i would never even considering calling the cops..
then again, chances are you are never gonna see your plants again unless you know who did it.. prolly just best not to bring attn to yourself.. legal or not, the cops can still be harassing dicks.


Well-Known Member
what kind of man would sneak up on someone....thats coward shit.
I disagree.

If the odds were against me (more than one, a scrapper tougher than me), I would sneak up on his ass, even while he was sleeping and put the hurt on.

Coward "shit" is not doing anything about it except talk trash on a fuckin grow forum.

You think there is any "honor" left in this world? Please...what makes you think you (or anyone else) deserves a "fair" fight?


Well-Known Member
aparently im old fasioned? even if someone is tougher than me ill still get my lics in, and if im outnumbered ill hopefully take one of them out with me or come back and get them one on one.