Would you call weed a drug?


Active Member
I got caught up with that question, since some people might call it that way while others really get offended by it.
For me personally, the term "drug" is so heavily connotated with addiction, harmfulness etc. that I instead refer to my weed as a "herb" or simply "medicine".


Well-Known Member
anything that alters your body is a drug, weed changes ur state of mind through chemicals, so yes, i think weed is a drug, a very safe one at that.


Well-Known Member
i googled "definition of drug". it gave me: a substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic.

so even by your standards you are still refering to it as a drug. but not all drugs are bad. mmm'kay?

cigarettes are drugs. so why wouldnt weed be one too?


Active Member
I think i hate the term "medicine" more than i hate the term "dope".
This term is beginning to bother me too. If you're actually using it as a "medicine," like chemotherapy patients using it for nausea, then by all means, call it medicine. If you just like to get high, though, then just call it what it is, weed.


Well-Known Member
This term is beginning to bother me too. If you're actually using it as a "medicine," like chemotherapy patients using it for nausea, then by all means, call it medicine. If you just like to get high, though, then just call it what it is, weed.
^ this. If your just somebody who smokes cause you like weed, don't call it medicine. But if your actually very sick or terminally Ill then by all means use the term medicine how and where ever you please. By calling it medicine and you not really being sick is just stupid and Is basically making a mockery of the medical marijuana program. (IMO of course)


Well-Known Member
Cannabis is a plant, yes.
Weed is a drug, yes.
The alphabet boys must remove it from being a shdl 1 drug, yes.

Call it what you wanna call partners!!!


Well-Known Member
^ this. If your just somebody who smokes cause you like weed, don't call it medicine. But if your actually very sick or terminally Ill then by all means use the term medicine how and where ever you please. By calling it medicine and you not really being sick is just stupid and Is basically making a mockery of the medical marijuana program. (IMO of course)

You mean like this?!




Well-Known Member
Its just a plant, thats all it is, its just grows a certain way that if you just so happen to set it on fire it has some "side effects"


Well-Known Member
weelllpp, i was going to make a smart ass comment... but it looks like 9 or 10 people have already taken care of that...


Active Member
Lol. Ok.
Weed is NOT a drug.
A drug is a solution of baked house cleaners and god knows what else, not a plant.
Marijuana is simply a mood elevator =]
It's bullshit it's not legal, it makes everyone sooo happy!!