In this day and age, criminals are seen as those poor havenots who just needed a hug when they were children. When they're guilty, they're guilty. If not, then there needs to be a better system of law and justice in the west. Thankfully we do live in some sort of civilized society, unlike the middle east where kissing could get you stoned to death. Be thankful you do live in this sort of society, it does have its faults. An eye for an eye doesn't work anymore, nor does execution. Up in Canada the criminals have more rights than the average public. You can be sued or imprisoned for defending yourself. At least in America, when someone breaks into your house or threatens you, you can defend yourself to the utmost lethal degree.
But to put it simply, as for myself, if some loser murdered, raped or assulted my family, I am sure as hell not going to sit by and let him walk away free. And sometimes Karma can be a bitch.
As I see it, the law is shitty theses days, mistakes always happen. Bets get it right and make damn sure.