Would you grow in this closet? I'm so stuck..


New Member
No need for a box. Just clean the room, paint the inside flat white, intake vent, exhaust.
Question, does the water company need to take readings from that meter? Just checking.
That is what I would do.:peace:
No the water company does not take readings from this meter, the reason for the idea behind the box was to make sure I could make it smell proof lol


New Member
Thanks for all the responses so far! Everyone is helping me a ton in making my final decision. The reason behind the idea for the box was so I could control the smell a little better, the closet is unfinished so if you actually look in it you can look left or right and actually see behind the walls.. So it will be hard to control the environment. Honestly I'm not too worried about someone needing to check the meter, a meter person has never been down here to check it, so the only person who would be looking at it for some reason is my step pops, although he probably wouldn't be happy I'm sure we could keep it between us two.. Putting a box on stilts above the meter is a good idea but it will be a pain in the ass getting all up there to install my exhaust appliances.


New Member
I know all strains grow to different heights and widths and depending how you grow with nutes and lights and all will effect it, but do you think a little strain like northern lights or big bud can be grown at a height less then 2 1/2 feet? That's the space from the floor to the bottom of the meter. Sorry for asking so many questions, just don't want to waste 3 months of time! Cheers ! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ok....Whoa Nellie.....your Step Pops? Is this your Step Pops house? If it is, do NOT grow anything there without his explicit blessing. Period.


New Member
Ok....Whoa Nellie.....your Step Pops? Is this your Step Pops house? If it is, do NOT grow anything there without his explicit blessing. Period.

Technically it it is my mothers house, and I understand how it may seem looking from the outside in, but it is not that big of a deal.

ii dP ii

without revealing too much... I'm in a similar situation...

If I were you I would have a talk with both mom and step-pop... if either one of them EVER go in the basement they will probably know. it is going to be near impossible to hide an active grow without spending lots of time and money on stealth.

better to bite the bullet now than to be half way done and your girls start to stink to high heaven and then your mom/step-dad finds em, flips her/his shit, and tosses the girls.

edit: also, not sure if you've scrapped the idea or not, but unless you happen to be a MASTER plumber I would not fuck with a water main. I know sweating a few joints is easy, but I've seen many plumbing jobs fall to shit because somebody thought they knew what they were doing, but didn't.