Would you? GWB vs Obama


Active Member
typical right winger! dont agree with them so get the fuck out?! thats is too funny. who needs to grow up? who's the adult?

Adults debate issues with out trying to kick someone out with differing viewpoints. Sounds kinda COMUNIST to me. are you guys realy commies in a right wing robe? HYPOCRITE?
Hates America because his views are different than yours? wow, there must be a whole assload of them haters out there then huh?

Illegal Smile

Note that the title of this forum is not Adults, it is Politics.


Active Member
I like when people claim others hate america, challenge them to a fight and then call them immature.. lol thats about as mature as calling someone mr poopie pants

Pot heads have the funniest political arguments, common sense and reason goes out the window in about 3-4 posts and then the predictable name calling fun ensues!


Well-Known Member
I like when people claim others hate america, challenge them to a fight and then call them immature.. lol thats about as mature as calling someone mr poopie pants

Its pretty ironic huh. The pathetic thing is the guy is like 50 years old. lol


Well-Known Member
I like when people claim others hate america, challenge them to a fight and then call them immature.. lol thats about as mature as calling someone mr poopie pants

Pot heads have the funniest political arguments, common sense and reason goes out the window in about 3-4 posts and then the predictable name calling fun ensues!
maybe theres a little but more history to it than what you are seeing.
An no Natrone your wrong AGAIN. I'm not fifty but you are still an asshole. Thats not ironic its a fact now please stay outta my thread.


Well-Known Member
maybe theres a little but more history to it than what you are seeing.
An no Natrone your wrong AGAIN. I'm not fifty but you are still an asshole. Thats not ironic its a fact now please stay outta my thread.

Thanks Natrone for ruining what could have been a meaningful and fun debate.

Thread closed.


Well-Known Member
Looks like peoples feelings get hurt when it is obvious that obama has made a ton of mistakes and has not done anything to help the country.


New Member
Notice how the dupes of the Progressive Movement posting in this thread have shifted the topic away from the original post? They do it every time.

How in the world do you guys continue to support the rank amateur we now have in the White House with a straight face?


Well-Known Member
i'm reviving this dinasour b/c i didn't want to start a new thread about a stupid little thing that happened.... :)

did ya hear about the school that put former president george w. bush and his former vice president dick cheney in a list of the worst 5 people in history. they weren't alone, adolf hitler, charles manson, and osama bin laden also made the cut.

kids these days....

anyways story here:



New Member
I wouldn't be surprised if George bush did any of those things lmao - confusing post - don't understand how anyone can be a fan of either g dub or obama lol - Obama is G DUB Part 2 but more baller