Would You Mess Around With A Fat Girl?

OW shit another tym my friend Ryans lil sister grew up ow man she was fucken huge the bigest girl she had to walk around her legs she was so big i love her like a sister but she had a crush on me wen we were younger but she was taller bigg dude she come home with a herd of big girls. WE thought we thought she was the leader of the NOTORiOUS DINNERS CLUB hahaha i mean my friend would throw blows over cookie crunch both big but she was huge i mean huge one day she like to wescle with me i didnt like it i thought she was just tring to feel me up im mean i must have been eighteen she was like sixteen but looked way older way biger she spilled out of her sandles she usto fuck me up!!!!!!! n crush my lil balls pin me n slap the shit out of me. ONE DAY i got tired of her bulling me around i mean i just didnt want to hurt the girl shit but on this day i had enough i grabed her big ass N i mean she had a fucken bigo ass i flung her to the floor got on top of her n told her LOOK TRISHA I DONT WANT TO PLAY PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE! i got off her n she kicked me tord the wall i went flien like a rag doll i got up n she laid on the back trien to kick me like ufc n shit so i got ahold of her leg n then the other i pulled them behind her head her ass to my croch n she yelled THUMPER I CANT BREATH STOP OW IT HURTS IT FUCKEN HURTS n im like TAKE THAT FUCKEN TRISH TAKE THAT n i would push her feet tord her face n just as that was going on my friend his mom his aunt open the fucken door n their like WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON. ow shit it looked like i was drie humping her she was so heavey that i was at a 22.5 degree angle her ass in the air, face all red n the family was about to fuck me up hahahahahahaaaaa. believe me i didnt want any of that! that was 15 years ago i just ran into her at a funeral, she told me hey thumper lets fuck, im excuse me trisha? ya she sead id tear your lil ass up! im like we are at a funeral? pleas stop! she continues to tell me let me stick a turkey in your oven????? im like what??????? she wanted to stick her fingers in my ass im like wooooow! trisha please she like have u ever had that im like shit please i have nevor had that even thow road trip had that seen in it n it looked like he injoyed it i was like NO! stop it please for god sakes. n well that my big girl experiance.

i still think this is funner hahaha now that i come to think of it TRISHA is no joke..... she like a sister but god dam she is crazzie
Define fat? Like 5'2" 180? Hell no. I slept with one big girl once. I couldn't finish. Her fat made to much noise. I politely dismounted and left. And no...big girls don't always have a tight box. The little 115 5'1" hotties have some tight ass box.

Isn't life wonderful that everyone and everything is not the same! Women with big "boxes" are better suited for men with big "banger", just as those with tight "boxes" need men with smaller "banger". It all works out, there something out there for most of us, I am so thankful for the differences...
Isn't life wonderful that everyone and everything is not the same! Women with big "boxes" are better suited for men with big "banger", just as those with tight "boxes" need men with smaller "banger". It all works out, there something out there for most of us, I am so thankful for the differences...

Differences are nice. Although, I must admit, I like the big bangers better. Especially if they're ummm, talented. Little bangers need to be even more talented or be a real man, not a macho pig.

Do, you know, I had one guy on this site lie to me about being this other user? He said it was his other user name. I KNOW this cannot be true. Pleasantly Purple is who I'm supposed to meet here. I know it and the first day I found him, then poof. Right after I replied his message disappeared!? I still can't figure it out. Now, this guy that lied to me and said he was Pleasantly Purple, my Spiritual Advisor warned me about. Said he was a sheep in wolves clothing and not to be fooled. His name is fabfun. Do you know either of these guys, MsBBB? Looks like you've been here a while. Maybe you know Pleasantly Purple?
Differences are nice. Although, I must admit, I like the big bangers better. Especially if they're ummm, talented. Little bangers need to be even more talented or be a real man, not a macho pig.

We all have our preferences, and mine is in the smaller range as long as they can get rock hard! :mrgreen: I'm not saying that I have a "tight box" either, I just like the regular size, no supersized for me unless I was mad sick in love! :roll:
Well, that's the most important factor. The being in love. I just was saying, if it's just for fun....

Yeah, I know. I would only go with the big one if I was in love, they can hurt and make you sore after awhile, and I require lots of stimulating. :lol:
this thread disgusts me im not going to lie. actually not so much the post aqs much as the pics people put up. eewwwwww lol
I went grocery shopping today which means I was flirting with the girls and everytime I saw a fat girl I thought of this thread so I smiled bigtime and said hello to every last one of them. Just to brighten their day.
This thread has grown lmao I haven't been here in forever. Everybody has their own preference and im sure theres a ton of guys out there that love fat girls. Fat in itself is such a fine line. I mean, what is "fat" ya know? When i was 190 and 5'5" Weight watchers said I was obese and i flipped out. There was no way I was OBESE in any sense. To me, obese is 100+pounds overweight. I was maybe 60 pounds overweight. Now i'm a healthy 145 and I still feel like I should lose 10 more pounds but thats only because I know it will FEEL better. Putting numbers to obese and overweight to me is hard to do. You can look at someone and say "they are obese" or "they are healthy" without knowing exactly how much they weigh. What im tryyyyying to say with all this rambling is that fat is a hard word to judge. I can post a picture and say she's healthy but I bet a bunch of other people might say she's "fat." Oh, the world we live in.
This thread has grown lmao I haven't been here in forever. Everybody has their own preference and im sure theres a ton of guys out there that love fat girls. Fat in itself is such a fine line. I mean, what is "fat" ya know? When i was 190 and 5'5" Weight watchers said I was obese and i flipped out. There was no way I was OBESE in any sense. To me, obese is 100+pounds overweight. I was maybe 60 pounds overweight. Now i'm a healthy 145 and I still feel like I should lose 10 more pounds but thats only because I know it will FEEL better. Putting numbers to obese and overweight to me is hard to do. You can look at someone and say "they are obese" or "they are healthy" without knowing exactly how much they weigh. What im tryyyyying to say with all this rambling is that fat is a hard word to judge. I can post a picture and say she's healthy but I bet a bunch of other people might say she's "fat." Oh, the world we live in.

A few years back I was entering a 10 mile run marathon training program and we had to be evaluated. They measured our height (5'5") and took our weight (156 lbs). Yeah, I knew that I was about 20 pounds overweight for my age, height, and size. In my evaluation they broke my heart by telling me that I was OBESE! Now days it does not take much to be classified in the heavy weight class. You can be medically fat, but most times it's all in the eyes of the beholder...subjective...
Being fat is completely fine as long as your body is toned. Big asses obviously aren`t muscle, some of them are in good shape and some aren`t. Its also the attitude that makes someone attractive. If a girl is proud of her eating, proud of her body and has enthusiasm then theres some banging to be done ;)

Whoose complaining about the noises, I would love them! Would be music to my ears hehehehehe
how do u like toms ass he is a weni..... in the avi any ways i just came on hear to peek in my old ladie jessus....... she is driving me crazzie all i want to do is sleep n she wakes me up for bullshit awww man i nevor sleep i have a sleeping disorder n i finaly thought i was in a far deap sleep. any ways im hear,,, u guys r too much. good night. ima try to go back to sleep... shit i woke up to chase my pit running down the street bare foot what a way to wake up. any ways ima try to go to sleep. i dont know how to give likes?:sleep:
ALLRIGHT TYM TO TELL THE BEASTIE STORIE....... so i was in long beach, i had gotten over my yeild more than i had expected.. i was like wow this big bud is a mother fucker so my girl gets all paroniod n tell me she dont want it in the house! i mean i was shocked at the yeild for indoor any ways i got to the store the clinic to c if my old friend was intrested? well i get thier he varafies me LONG TYM NO C, ya man its been a long tym, so this dude introduces me to his brother beastie, i was like dam he is beasty looking i mean he is a hardy looking male thick boned big belly so i sit n he tells me let me go get your donation i was pleased, he sead yes!!! you know my ladie wanted to give it away,,, i was like fuck that...... so his brother asked me have u ever fucked and asian chick, i was like ya i have? me n ur brother usto have a good old tym...... then he puts on some porno on the computer while we waited n i was like dam, he was siting down i was behind the guy standing n well he kept looking back at my croch n he was laughing so i felt uncomfortable i mean it takes a real naked women to give me a boner (meaning in the flesh) i seen to many in real life n in the magazines n everywere that usto be my seven year old hobie man hiding those dirty mags from my brother n my friends dads.... n e ways he was looking at my croch MIND U IM RIGHT BEHIND HIM so i just got that feeling that this dude is gay imean he looked like he was looking at a crystal meth pipe waiting to get his turn n laughn i was like wow this is strange. I tell him look out i might poke out ur eye he sead ITS OKAY. so my friend gets back n gives me a donation i drive home 2 hours away,man 2 to get thier, 2 back usualy in traffic its not that fast. i dont talk to them anymore but let me tell u so i get home.... three months pass the same shit except my lady she is so mad that i got more than my rec allowed so i leave again i get their this tym he tells me to go to his house, the traffic killed me over thier, so im thier, i drink a corona i stop at the 7/11 n grab them. n finish the six pack. so i begin to head out at 11 pm i get a call it's him my friend n tells me, he left his phone in my car.
man i was almost home!!! i was tired so i turn around their goes 6 hours of driving i get off i drop it off n i leave again this tym i get a call im like an hour away n its BEASTIE hello? hi THUMPER it s me. im like okay? CAN U BRING ME MY KEYS.... im like how did they get in hear? he sead his brother left them... ow man i didnt remember seeing any fucken keys so its like 1 a.m. n im fucken tired!!!!!!!! so i flip a bitch n its the brother outside its 2 a.m. and he is like WHATS UP THUMPER im like hear he grabs the keys n stoaks my hand im like dam!!!!!! man his finger ran threw my palm OW HELL NO hahaha im like look beastie its late n he seas it the best tym right now lets go to the rail road tracks. im like WHAT!!!!!! he's like ya you know, im like NO I DONT! he's like OW COME ON MAN ALL YOU NEED IS A WARM MOUTH, im looking at his big ow head, all shabie from not shaven n i get this image in my head n i about threw up i started backing up tord my ride i wasnt shure if i should take one to the head i mean punch the guy or leave without hurting his feelings you know my friends brother, ow god what i sead is, look beasti i got a girl n im flaterd but please im sorry, HE YELLS YOUR A FUCKEN TEEAS i know ull like it i can do it better than a girl i jump in my ride my stomach starts to turn ow shit i look in my rear view mirror it him n he is following me so i wake my girl up n i tell her what just happend cuz i know she is already fucken mad. I ASK HER SHOULD I PULL OVER N KNOC THE GUY OUT? she is like fuck no im going over thier n im gona knock his ass out!!!!! so i get home i get introuble man she dont want me to grow weed no more.... im like fuck the shops r to expensive she like fuck that no more!!!!!! shit i lost the privlages u know i always was geting more than i expected n my girl knows i been to prison she just dont like me doing anything she is cristain dude i was mad.... so i call my friend n i tell him what happend n all i hear is, realy, ow realy, um ha, ow ya, owwwww..... n then i hear the phone fall i hear like a guy voice turning into a girly voice AWWW AWWWW NOOOOO NOOOO (sorry i was interupted buy a nutrients split with a friend i had to go biger is cheaper for the plants) anyways.... NO NO i hear heavy breathing the phone droping n it sounded like a royal ass kicking. i hear my FRIEND YELLING( I TOLD U MOTHER FUCKER DONT BRING THAT SHIT TO MY FRIENDS KEEP IT AWAY ) i felt bad i hung up the phone the fucked up part is the guy kicking ass was smaller look like he couldnt do much n beastie could have just wooped ass if he wanted to but that was my encounter with a big gay guy. DONT GET ME WRONG I FLUCKUATE i got threw my gaining weight spells from the beer n weed n then i feel guilty n hit the track n the trails n well i have been over weight i let myself go one tym i was just realy over weight but you know if you want to be in the game of ladies u gota get your ass back in the gym ..... n this storie wasnt so funny kinda sad actualy but my friends seem to laugh their asses off...