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Well-Known Member
I can't tell if your offended from the gay side from being lumpd with punkers r the opposite

Judging from pic I'd say the first


Well-Known Member
So my friend got beat up really bad last night by her boyfriend and now the fools hiding searching and can't find him


Well-Known Member
So my friend got beat up really bad last night by her boyfriend and now the fools hiding searching and can't find him
FIND HIM! Don't hurt him so bad that you go to prison.

Maybe rape him?

I think - if you rouffie the dude, get someone to have sex with him (a man - in HIS bum), video tape it - and then play it for him the next day. Tell him - if he EVER touches your friend again you will not only put the vid all over the internet - but it will be a GANG bang of rapes.

I think that would probably be a deterrent. It just always seems, if they hit a chick one time - it'll happen again and again.

Oooh - or cut off his hands. Hard to punch with no hands.