Wouldn't it be nice.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
.. one day, to ditch the Ball & Chain(s), or maybe bring em, and get together with some mates, then go out bush and start a co-op kinda setup. Just 3-4 people with one common goal: To grow as much A Grade Marijuana, to supply a small town, and ourselves.

Figure out a way to safely do a deal once a year, for XX pounds at a time, then split the money and go back to the bush loaded and stocked-up for the coming year :)

Gawd I'd love that :)

The only major conditions I could think of - off-hand - would be:

a) They'd have to be close, trusted, open/honest friends
b) Each person would have to have just as much to lose as one another, and just as much to gain
c) Profits would HAVE to be split evenly - straight down the middle.
d) ..mm d.. I don't know what you'd do if someone decided they'd had enough being holed-up in the bush (cabin fever etc,,.). maybe, you could set a 5-year sortta contract or something, then after that agreed upon time-frame, a discussion is held, to re-evaluate whether to keep going another x number of years.

If someone decided they were sick of it, and wanted to move on, then EVERYONE would pack-up and move away, but, those people who wished to continue growing, would start somewhere completely new, and the parties that decided to opt-out, wouldn't be included in any new plans - for security reasons.

That'd be just fucking excellent.

I'm sure people do it. I'd love to do it :)

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
I'm a prety anti-social person, so I can't imagine I'd find 3-5 like-minded people who'd be just as keep to spend 5 years in the middle of nowhere. And I've lived in the bush - it DOES get very boring, if you don't keep busy, but I'm probably the most 'happy with my own company' person I know, but finding others who'd be just as happy out there is another story.

Edit: Even the 'golden dream' of all the cannabis you could ever want, would lose it's sheen, once you'd grown used to always having garbage-bags of the shit. But I'd do it with a mission in mind as well: To provide better buds than the pond-sludge that is often sold around town. Supplying buds that people talk about would be good motivation.. Pride in your product :)


New Member
Goes on all the time and in a lot of places. Some entire communities are dependent on growing fields. Here in America if the 'emerald triangle' lost all it's grower's their whole economy would collapse.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
yeah. It'd be excellent :)

As I said too though: Just having the buds alone wouldn't be enough for very long: Only so long, before you could easily get depressed about NOT having the convenience you used to have, the mozzies, the heat, the cold, the THIS the THAT.. "All for fucking buds grr".. But if you grew the best crowns in town, that'd certainly keep me going :)