Wow... 4 out of 5 plants MALE


Active Member
so out of 5 bagseed plants and 2 1/2 months of caring for them, only one turned out to be female. I killed all 4 males and I have one little girl under a couple cfls. Do you think that since this is the only girl amongst all males it has a greater chance to be hermie?

Fallen Buckshot

really depends on genetics of the plant it came from even if it does you'll have some smoke


Well-Known Member
only if you stress it. good luck bro, i know how it feels to take care of a bunch of plants for mad long and then they turn out male, total bummer. id sugest once you start again to drop a dime on some feminized seeds of a strong strain. good luck


Well-Known Member
Fem seeds r the devil !
how so? female seeds come from a naturally unlikely but possibly random process of pollination. its not like theres an evil synthetic chemical to make seeds female. ive heard john mccain and big red are the devil but never fem seeds. they will save you lots of frustration


New Member
how so? female seeds come from a naturally unlikely but possibly random process of pollination. its not like theres an evil synthetic chemical to make seeds female. ive heard john mccain and big red are the devil but never fem seeds. they will save you lots of frustration
Yipp fully agree.
Ive had 3 male plants in 10 years of growing from fem seeds, 2 set ups giving 6 harvests per year. you get what you pay for.


Damn that sucks. I was thinking of buying bagseeds but i think i might just spened a little more money and buy feminized seeds.


Well-Known Member
Damn that sucks. I was thinking of buying bagseeds but i think i might just spened a little more money and buy feminized seeds.
who buys bagseeds? buy some bags and take seeds from them but if someone is tryin to sell me seeds i would be suspicous they were mid seeds and this guys tryin to make a few bucks off of me. i have a bag with like 10,000 seeds from as long as 5 years ago. i should sell all of these bagseeds for a dollar each and make a killing


Well-Known Member
u mean my 10,000 bagseeds? no there is nothing special about them, just the result of smoking mad bud the last few years. all of the seeds are mids seeds that some are over 5 years old. i doubt half of them would germ and none would be any solid genetics. probly a bag of males and hermies


damn that sucks. at least you have one. care for it.

A female marijuana plant is probably the only other female besides your wife/fiancee/girlfriend that you can truly care for.


Well-Known Member
naw its all i care for, my old girlfriend is living on the other side of the world and on vacation with her new boyfriend, fuck that bitch, i only love my weed, lol