Wow...Just Wow


Well-Known Member
Because the Atomic Bomb wasn't enough, "God" had to add this tsunami.

Those people are fuckin idiots, including the one's who "liked" their status'


Well-Known Member
operation desert storm


Osama Bin Laden


wait, .... what?

the US gets caught with their pants down and half the population cries "foul".

i'm moving to Japan, no looting. ;)


Well-Known Member
fuck pearl harbor, that movie sucked.. fuck ben afleck hahahaha

japan rules, I like how calm and orderly they are during this disater, no one is rapeing and killing like the people of katrina did when they went to the astrodome


Well-Known Member
Godzilla hasn't even risen yet. they're used to all this. ;)
Oh man thats to funny. I really think that might be the hardest i've laughed at a post on RIU

its deffinatly the only thing posted about japan recently that made me laugh. other wise I feel for the people there.


Active Member
FUCK have any of those people heard of Hiroshima?!

Jesus, I fucking hate America. Everything is always about "well my dick is bigger than yours, so HA!"


Active Member
If these people believe in 'payback' and 'karma' like that...

dear god, pray for America. If we got what we really deserve, Godzilla would take massive shit on this entire country... and then King Kong would lay one down for good measure.


I think maybe it is karma, but no way for us fuckin americans. That's karma for the rape of Nanjing and all the bad stuff Japan has done to asia over the years.


Active Member
an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

*Mahatma Ghandi*
No one said it better than Ghandi. Why should we seek revenge on brothers and sisters of humanity? We are all on the same planet. We need to learn to work together instead of against eachother. No one "deserves" total destruction. We've all made mistakes... as individuals, lovers, friends or as countries. Its all the same to me.

bongsmilie love ya'll