WOW KUSH = CRACK a must read


Well-Known Member
Damn, The moral majority is back and they are involved in corrupt Chicago politics...Imagine that....Chicago...famous for prohibition era organized crime...with legalization on the minds of the public....start an emotional propaganda campaign to keep drug war policy strong....these is the same schmucks who shut down the poor craigslist hookers...what a bunch of Nazis



.....anyone else read this , 600 hundred dollars and ounce of kush, does that seem right to anybody here?
wanna read more shit like this to piss u off , try an see the bs there pushing there.
im in canada so this sit doesnt really effect me ....YET but im sure if this is the way things are headed and this does go through i can see this going wildy outta control ...if kush = crack just becuase u can make the same amount off in the states(according to this bs report)then its clear the whole issue is that there pissed your making money free!! there not worried about health it breaks down here avergage cost from dealer for zip of nice kush or diesel its gonna cost u at least one will sell an 8th less then 30 buck second(unless u pick up anything more then a qp or u got a friend who will shoot u a deal) a zip of hard goes for 1200- 1400 avg from a dealer depending on quility (compared to alot of places in the us thats a
high price) but even when u break that up no matter how really , your profits margins are still really good(easily a couple hundred dollars) and a zip doesnt take long to move either...YOU CANT COMPARE WEED TO CRACK NO MATTER WHAT weather it be health or cost its not the same thing no mater how u look at it ....well unless ur lying


as for the criag list hookers , most of them are crack smokers or herion user who do in fact have a pimp , who sits there in the back of the apt to make sure the jons dont fuck of with the money. there still working girls they just took them off the streets and put them up in little shit apts and there pics on craigs list. the cops know this shit too but they let it happen cause lets face it , keeps them of the streets and it looks like there doing there job. then every once in awhile u see on the news "craigs list hookers busted!!!!" like this was the first anyones heard of someone doing this. viewers are satisfied and can sleep knowing they found all the hookers....turns out they where on craigslist