wow, plz help last post (picture)


Active Member
okay so i had one outdoor sprout on MG oganic soil outside on a big enough base for the sprout, the bottom was covered with a rocky carpet from preventing touching the dirt ( avoiding small insects ).. i checked it today and it was crispy dead, how did this happen? i did transplant the sprout from soil to diffrent soil however, was that the cause?

now as for my indoor sprout, i transplanted that one from one soil to another too... i threw that one on my indoor closet setup and was doing fine until the next day when it seemed a little dead and a black tip.. as of now it seems like it still has hope but that top part of the sprout is tipping over

how does this keep happenin? i water it distilled water... and i only watered about 1 time every 2-3 days because the pot is small..

i have a soil meter and i keep the soil moist...

plz someone link me to a good grow journal thats useful, ( no hydroponics plz)

other than that, heres my indoor setup.

