Zig Zag Zane
Well-Known Member
I didnt care for that article all too much...and Im calling bs on it...wow cannabis culture, suprised....the damn thing said "If the cannabis industry were to expand greatly, it couldn't do so by increasing the number of casual users. It would have to create and maintain more chronic zonkers." And that's a problem. Chronic use can lead to dependence and even long-term cognitive impairment. Heavy cannabis users are more likely to be in auto accidents. There have been scattered reports of respiratory and fetal development problems.....BULLSHIT...whoever wrote this particular part obviously has never toked up in his life...you can indeed become mentally addicted or dependent to marijuana...or anything at that! you can become mentally dependent on virtually anything, but not physically dependent on marijuana, thats just a fact...and marijuana wont fucking cause "long-term cognitive impairment"?! wtf, its been proven that cannabis or thc is neuro-protective......and fetal development problems...im not buying it...pot babies? im sure babies who's mothers smoke 2-3 packs of cigs a day are much worse off...and cannabis doesnt impair your driving like alcohol or prescription pharmeceuticals either...not even close...fuck if anything it makes you more cautious when driving...