Wrapping roots in cheesecloth (RDWC)


Well-Known Member

So I purchased this RDWC 4+1 bucket system (5 gallon each bucket), and I already knew that the hose diameter that's connecting these buckets is small and eventually I will have a problem with roots blocking the flow of water...which is what just happened.

The roots of one plant grew into the pipes and I could see them in the reservoir bucket....and the nutrient solution wasn't really moving (it was, but very slow).

As a solution to this, I pulled the plant out of the bucket, pulled the roots out of the hoses, and wrapped the whole thing in cheesecloth...to prevent roots from going into the pipes. So now, the plant's roots is completely wrapped in cheesecloth which is stopping the roots from growing uncontrollably and blocking everything. The water flow increased, and everything seems fine for now.

I wonder how good or how bad this idea is? Anybody did anything similar? I only did it for one plant that had the biggest root system, but I will soon do for others as well. The others didn't seem to block pipes as much, so I just left it for now...until I see what effect will this have (if any) on the one plant I did wrap up.

Good concept but the roots will grow thru cheesecloth like it wasn't there. It might begin to decompose too which will likely cause it to fall apart tho maybe not as I've never tried it but have done a lot of DWC. I ran a small pond pump in my DWC tub for a DIY chiller and used a glue gun to attach plastic window screen over its intake area and that worked well. Don't know if you could come up with something using that idea but some sort of screen over the holes should help. Don't know why they don't have a custom made type of screen to work for that but I've never seen any in the many RDWC grows I've seen in forums.


new roots are really thin soo they will grow to the other side no problem.maybe will fill the cloth a little before they start poping out but they will grow out.
best you can do is make the connecting pipes bigger