Wrinkled leaves, help please!


ok no pictures for now, i can take some and post tomorrow but its pretty basic the leaves on my plant are wrinkled, like an old man wrinkled. this is a stinky pink and is about 2 1/2 foot tall, I have an ebb and flow system with 9 plants under a 1000 watt mh bulb the plants are about 1 months and 3 week old. i had major ph problems and just got it going perfectly for the last 2-3 weeks, to be short the seller of the ebb n flow put some type glue or poison crap in my reservoir and it took forever to scrap it out, after i added some revive and b-52 that didn't seem to help much, then after a few days added the regular bc nutes by technaflora, my main nutes are the technaflora- bc boost,grow, and bloom, and micro, bloom, and grow by general hydropnics, i switch between the 2 every other week. this did not help, out of all the plants stinky is the tallest and the others where just very short and seemed not to be growing but alive and looking otherwise fine-with exception of not getting any taller and a few yellow tips. so i dug up the plants and buried them deeper and drained the reservoir and added some stardust, the next day added some bc boost, a few days later they where growing and branching out, four days after(today) wholly shit the went from being one straight log really bunched together(not the stinky pink shes always been branched out nicely) to totally faned out and twice the size awesome right-except the stinky pink is all wrinkle leaved- will this still bud like this-is there anyway to correct this? any help are suggestions please i am all ears- thanks for your help-sandee
p.s the other plants have no wrinkles at all and i thought maybe it was being burned so i raised the light about 2 feet from the average ceiling which is about four feet from the plants. pss- can anyone tell me how to top off the plants and is it to late at this age? thanks


thanks would have got back to you sooner but i have been hospitalized since new years eve and home one day now. .. no im not better just alive, i have sle - lupus and have now developed blood clots, i read the thread but am not to sure, but a BIG THANKS !!!! as 100 reads but only 1 reply is pretty lame(but great on your part), i thought these forums where to help each other not just who you know or like. the ph is good now as i did have mega ph problems before- i have a meter but the water just wouldnt stay at 5.8- i like it between 5.5 and 5.8, i added some stardust around xmas and from then to now, holly molly i'm talking feet of growth except for the one plant-the stinky pink is wrinkled-none of the others- and her height is well above the rest which 4 blue dreams and one maui waui and two white widows- i think i will top it off-clip the dired wrinkled leaves-cut one or two water cycles out, and clone the bottom leaves, i had not intended to top it but it will get rid off alot of wrinkles, and then we will have to start budding these babies as they stand 2-4 tall now. any sugestions, this is my first time. thanks sandee