Wrinkled leaves??


make sure you have enough macro nutrients and see if things change... also the stems are looking like they might have a deficiency- but sometimes the ones that receive the most light will turn that color


I am completely new to this 100% so please bare with me, i am learning as i go along and read these forums every night along with the grow bible. This is my first grow.

Heat is 70 maybe high 60's, clear because thats what they came in when i bought them, they are all clones and i find that clear is kinda cool as i pour in water i know exactly how far it goes down in the soil.
I just gave them their first feeding last night of Clone X sense they have been in the organic soil


Well-Known Member
I don't see anything to really be concerned with, but if nothing else, I would cover your cups to prevent light from getting to the roots and add some soil to cover some of the stretchy stems, then lower your lights.
Next time you pot, put them closer to the top of the container, that way the plant can utilize the space below.
I think the leaf wrinkling is due to a heat issue, so if anything, try to get a fan in there and lower temps.


New Member
I would think that the leaves are indicating that this mother plant was not happy so to say . Often people will clone and share from old mothers who are stressed and in the end the clones are off beat as well untill nurtured back to health .

How long have you had these , they look recently acquired by the looks

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
I would think that the leaves are indicating that this mother plant was not happy so to say . Often people will clone and share from old mothers who are stressed and in the end the clones are off beat as well untill nurtured back to health .

How long have you had these , they look recently acquired by the looks
Good point. I was going to say that leaf wrinkle like that is usually my first sign of over fertilizing before the leaf actually roles down and claws. I am positive that the mother was slightly over nuted and they should come out of it soon. I am actually cloning an over fed plant and the leaves are still rolled down some. The reason I get over and under fed plants is because I play with several varieties and some can't take a lot of nutes and some can't get enough. Your breeder may have the same issue. Different strains will have very different nute needs. Yours may be one of those that doesn't like strong nutes.