wrong size tent wtf


Active Member
i wouldnt use a fkn tent, i build grow rooms i have one under construction for someone as we speak.
to use a tent you need to be a no fkn brainer.
How is using a tent for no brainers. So all ur cars are manual cause auto is for no brainers. U wash dishes by hand cause dishwashers are for no brainers. Tents are designed for growing. Why not use em? Not all of use have the time a resources to build a grow room. I have a full time labor job while i train for 2 hrs a day. Once i finally get home i dont really wanna build anything. So to me. Ur a fuckin no brainer prick.


Active Member
So why would u be chiming in on something u know nothing about I'm not knocking anyone's knowledge I have built many large grow rooms but building and sticking around to see if what u built works the way it should is two diff things anyways u attacked I attacked back so far as I'm concerned it's done not gonna waste space on this guys thread for pissing contest sorry cubabdi and good luck with the grow .
are you saying i dont know how to build, or make drastic adjustments to a simple fucking tent.
get real.


Active Member
How is using a tent for no brainers. So all ur cars are manual cause auto is for no brainers. U wash dishes by hand cause dishwashers are for no brainers. Tents are designed for growing. Why not use em? Not all of use have the time a resources to build a grow room. I have a full time labor job while i train for 2 hrs a day. Once i finally get home i dont really wanna build anything. So to me. Ur a fuckin no brainer prick.
i drive a manual, because i have full control and not too lazy to use a clutch.
i wash my dishes because i wash them immediately after use, so only a few to do, i dont fucking pile them up like a lazy bastard to get washed by a machine.
i dont use a fucking tent to grow in because i am not a lazy fat fucking yank that stuffs his fucking fat fucking face with burgers all day and cannot get off his fat fucking ass to build a sealed proper grow room that contains noise and smells because he is a lazy fat cunt.
and i know how to build a simple fucking tent pal.


Active Member
i drive a manual, because i have full control and not too lazy to use a clutch.
i wash my dishes because i wash them immediately after use, so only a few to do, i dont fucking pile them up like a lazy bastard to get washed by a machine.
i dont use a fucking tent to grow in because i am not a lazy fat fucking yank that stuffs his fucking fat fucking face with burgers all day and cannot get off his fat fucking ass to build a sealed proper grow room that contains noise and smells because he is a lazy fat cunt.
and i know how to build a simple fucking tent pal.
Holy shit bro, calm down. To each his own eh? Why does it matter to you the way someone else handles their business? We are all here to learn/educate about growing pot, not win a beauty pageant.


Active Member
i drive a manual, because i have full control and not too lazy to use a clutch.
i wash my dishes because i wash them immediately after use, so only a few to do, i dont fucking pile them up like a lazy bastard to get washed by a machine.
i dont use a fucking tent to grow in because i am not a lazy fat fucking yank that stuffs his fucking fat fucking face with burgers all day and cannot get off his fat fucking ass to build a sealed proper grow room that contains noise and smells because he is a lazy fat cunt.
and i know how to build a simple fucking tent pal.
Now that's a thin skinned pikey someone gets cranky when they miss tea time huh . Pretty sure u should be thanking us or y'all would prob be speaking German not our fault u pussies couldn't take care ur own shit u should be thanking my grandparents generation for helping save ur asses not talking shit we get the job done .


Active Member
i drive a manual, because i have full control and not too lazy to use a clutch.
i wash my dishes because i wash them immediately after use, so only a few to do, i dont fucking pile them up like a lazy bastard to get washed by a machine.
i dont use a fucking tent to grow in because i am not a lazy fat fucking yank that stuffs his fucking fat fucking face with burgers all day and cannot get off his fat fucking ass to build a sealed proper grow room that contains noise and smells because he is a lazy fat cunt.
and i know how to build a simple fucking tent pal.
Doubt it.
Build a car if u aint a fuckin wank "bro" or why not build ur own house if u aint lazy.. Cmon mofo. Show us how lazy we are for growing in tent. Show us wanks what a man is.
Ur a fool. Get outta her with ur wack ass tough man gimmick. U didnt help the OP. Why come in here at all?


Active Member
Btw everybody... This guy is a scam.
Looked at his profile and all his post are about is so called grow room that he build. But its in his attic? Or he wanted a pc grow? lol
Having problems like ventalation-how many lights can i fit-will this fan work?- so for him to be on his high horse about us using a tent is just his bein jelly. Prob couldnt afford one.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
use a grolux hps 600w dual spectrum lamp, your plants will be short and stumpy with a max height of 4 feet and an average height of 3 to 3 and a half.
the grolux dual spectrum has more blue in it than red to stop plant stretch.
perfect for your tent.
There's a lot more factors than a wide spectrum bulb that will determine your plant height.... 4 foot max? Avg 3-3.5'? come on... There's enough misinformation on this site as it is.
Don't contribute to misinformation AND be an asshole. pick one or the other...

to the OP: Sucks about the tent, man. I wouldnt grind off the poles if I were you, though. At least on the hydrofarm model I've got in storage, grinding the poles wouldnt work. Maybe consider returning it or selling it on CL.

Are you in a permanent residence? IE staying for a few years?
If so, it might be easiest to just build a frame to custom fit your area with 2x3's and wrap it with plywood or pandafilm. goodluck


Active Member
Now that's a thin skinned pikey someone gets cranky when they miss tea time huh . Pretty sure u should be thanking us or y'all would prob be speaking German not our fault u pussies couldn't take care ur own shit u should be thanking my grandparents generation for helping save ur asses not talking shit we get the job done .
fucking german, ya stupid bastard, i dont fucking think so. we fight to the fucking death pal.

you americans would not get off your fat fucking lazy scummy hamburger arses and get in to the war ya fat fucking lazy bastards, winston churchill had to send a fleet of warships out to sink a few of your fucking merchant fleet and then passed on the information that they were sunk by the germans, ya stupid looking bastard.
then what....
the fucking fat bastard yanks jumped off their armchairs like they were going to get a medal in the olympics and couldn`t wait to get in to the war because someone hsd said BOOO.

the war was almost fucking won by the time your fat fucking slimy grandfather got off his fat fucking lardy arse to jump in and help us.
and what did you do.

you joined us and we were all getting fucking hammered, and then you fat bastards sent an H bomb up in a plane and dropped it on the women and children of japan,
whoopy fucking doo,,,, what a fat fucking lardy ass grandaddy you had.

and that was the end of the war.

but today.
the tables have turned.


Active Member
There's a lot more factors than a wide spectrum bulb that will determine your plant height.... 4 foot max? Avg 3-3.5'? come on... There's enough misinformation on this site as it is.
Don't contribute to misinformation AND be an asshole. pick one or the other...

to the OP: Sucks about the tent, man. I wouldnt grind off the poles if I were you, though. At least on the hydrofarm model I've got in storage, grinding the poles wouldnt work. Maybe consider returning it or selling it on CL.

Are you in a permanent residence? IE staying for a few years?
If so, it might be easiest to just build a frame to custom fit your area with 2x3's and wrap it with plywood or pandafilm. goodluck

so i am a fucking LIAR is that what you are saying.

try it before you fucking knock it big man.

you put your fucking plant under an hps to flower it and it will stretch like a fucking madman like you.

oh and by the fucking way........give the man a hint where he can buy a tent at the height he needs if he does not cut the poles down.

we are all waiting with bated breath.................................................................................


Active Member
Btw everybody... This guy is a scam.
Looked at his profile and all his post are about is so called grow room that he build. But its in his attic? Or he wanted a pc grow? lol
Having problems like ventalation-how many lights can i fit-will this fan work?- so for him to be on his high horse about us using a tent is just his bein jelly. Prob couldnt afford one.
never did a small grow fuck head.

not like you in a tent anyway.

i know my business.

lets have a look at your fucking posts.


Active Member
How is using a tent for no brainers. So all ur cars are manual cause auto is for no brainers. U wash dishes by hand cause dishwashers are for no brainers. Tents are designed for growing. Why not use em? Not all of use have the time a resources to build a grow room. I have a full time labor job while i train for 2 hrs a day. Once i finally get home i dont really wanna build anything. So to me. Ur a fuckin no brainer prick.
the only posts you have ever made are instgating arguments you parsalysed streak of fucking pish.


Active Member
never did a small grow fuck head.

not like you in a tent anyway.

i know my business.

lets have a look at your fucking posts.
so just how big is ur attic grow??
and how big was ur grow room that got busted. couldnt have been that big if ur out already....

thats all of my post? me just arguing?? maybe u should look again?
but hey i gave the man insight on his prob-the same prob i had... as i stated before.
u said ur not lazy and u claim ur not a no brainer...
so when i look at ur threads all they are is asking for help... weird for a know it all..
(like with vent, how to make vent holes- what fan to use here and so on. is this hhod better then this one)
so for a kno it all german bitch... u dont kno shit. u never helped the OP. u just keep claiming ur room is perfect and u have all the answers. which u dont.

everyone is disagreeing with YOU! maybe u should just stop posting in this thread.

Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
A small cube of C-4 in the rafters and problem solved!!

If it's a dropped suspended ceiling I'd remove the tiles and grid. Probably not if residential tho.


nah havent done anything yet my Pineapple Expresses didnt get her yet so im slow rolling it not sure what i want to do. on another note my ak48's came in with a lucky dip freebie mix took 9days and i sent money order i most say so myself that was fast good looks seedboutique

Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
A member suggested turning it on it's side.

That's what I'd do, probably.

I know a carpenter that built a bunker of custom cabinets w/corian tops and they WERE really nice until he got to the job and tried to fit them thru the existing door.

Shit happens.


Active Member
I purchased the 4x4x7 tent and when I went to put it up in my attic, I realized the ceiling wasn't quite 6.5'. I cut 6" off the bottom of each pole, then assembled. Yes, there is some extra material at the bottom of the tent, but I don't care. It does it's job, it still zips up, and it still keeps light out during lights out. Who cares what it looks like on the outside?