WSJ NEWS ALERT: U.S. Supreme Court Extends Gun Rights to States, Cities


Well-Known Member
ews alert
from the wall street journal

the supreme court says the constitution's "right to keep and bear arms" applies nationwide as a restraint on the ability of government to limit its application.

The justices on monday cast doubt on a chicago area handgun ban,
but also signaled in their 5-4 decision that less severe restrictions could survive legal challenges.


Well-Known Member
people who want to ban guns are retarded. gun bans dont work washington d.c. proved that when they banned handguns and the murder rate went up. for some reason people think that if you have a gun your automatically a criminal or something. they are to hard headed to understand the concept of a responsible gun owner. its bad people with guns that are the problem. nobody wants to ban cars when they crash and kill people its the persons fault but when guns kill people its the guns fault... my guns have never just jumped up and shot anybody. americans have always had guns it people today who have never even seen a gun who spread lies . instead of teaching our children to be responsible with them and respect them we teach them to be afraid of them.


Well-Known Member
So the supreme court doesn't believe in providing safe work environments for burglars and home invaders....Good for us.

You should have heard what the 4 justices who voted against our constitutional rights had to say , some of it was very very frightening.


Active Member
Glad to see it, everyone has the right to defend themselves against criminals trying to hurt them or their family. An old saying is that “guns make for a more polite society”. Statistics prove that when gun laws provide for conceal carry, crime drops through the floor. How is that a bad thing? S


Well-Known Member
So the supreme court doesn't believe in providing safe work environments for burglars and home invaders....Good for us.

You should have heard what the 4 justices who voted against our constitutional rights had to say , some of it was very very frightening.
can you post a link please


Well-Known Member
were em if u got em
It wont change anything for me. The state I live in allows concealed and open carry without a permit. I am glad to see it for the people of Chicago and other cities that are
under siege by crime. 50 murders last weekend, 25 murders a few days ago. Gun violence is not being curbed by the restrictive laws there.

Do you realize that the murder rate for Chicago is higher than Afganistan? That is some screwed up shit right there...

And why? Cause drugs and guns are illegal.... Prohibition FTL...


Active Member
So wasn't Obama supposed to be taking away all our guns by now....?


This kind of BS is why I don't join the NRA....if I want to donate to the republican party, I'll go ahead and do that.


Well-Known Member
So wasn't Obama supposed to be taking away all our guns by now....?


This kind of BS is why I don't join the NRA....if I want to donate to the republican party, I'll go ahead and do that.
He would if he could do it that easily but there are people near the top trying to stop him. Hence this court judgement.
Try not to think to hard about it, you'll only succeed in hurting yourself.


Well-Known Member
the nra hates on every politician who has ever voted for any bill that even comes close to taking away gun rights.. there are plenty of republicans that the nra doesnt like. in my state the nra is supporting the democratic candidate for governer.


Well-Known Member
So wasn't Obama supposed to be taking away all our guns by now....?

This kind of BS is why I don't join the NRA....if I want to donate to the republican party, I'll go ahead and do that.

To be fair Obama did nominate justice Sonia Sotomayor who in turn voted against , so its not for a lack of trying.


Well-Known Member
the nra hates on every politician who has ever voted for any bill that even comes close to taking away gun rights.. there are plenty of republicans that the nra doesnt like. in my state the nra is supporting the democratic candidate for governer.
True , the NRA has taken alot of flack in the past from conservatives for supporting democrats who support the second amendment.

I find it sad that we need organizations like the NRA and the ACLU to protect our constitutional rights since thats what our elected officials are supposed to do.


Active Member
Nothing has changed on the federal level with regard to gun rights since obama has been president and nothing will change under his watch. Also, the ruling says that more carefully worded bans would be constitutional.

I wouldn't my nra donations to donate silly fear-mongering about guns like the above ad. I like their courses and safety stuff though. They should stick to that.


Active Member
Nothing has changed on the federal level with regard to gun rights since obama has been president and nothing will change under his watch. Also, the ruling says that more carefully worded bans would be constitutional.

I wouldn't my nra donations to donate silly fear-mongering about guns like the above ad. I like their courses and safety stuff though. They should stick to that.
There have been changes and attempts at changes with the Obama administration.

For one, the republicans managed to attach a rider to the bill overhauling consumer credit that Obama signed into law. The rider makes it where federal parks, forests, etc now have the same rules regarding firearms as the state which those parks are within. For example, here in Georgia I am legal to carry in a state park. Because of the rider, I am now legal to carry on federal lands as well, whereas before that was not the case.

Eric Holder attempted to have all brass not used by the military sent to be shredded and then sold to China as scrap metal. This brass is a huge source of casings for both reloaders as well as ammunition manufacturers. When six senators sent letters to the Defense Department wanting more information, the order to destroy the excess brass was shelved.


Well-Known Member
There have been changes and attempts at changes with the Obama administration.

For one, the republicans managed to attach a rider to the bill overhauling consumer credit that Obama signed into law. The rider makes it where federal parks, forests, etc now have the same rules regarding firearms as the state which those parks are within. For example, here in Georgia I am legal to carry in a state park. Because of the rider, I am now legal to carry on federal lands as well, whereas before that was not the case.

Eric Holder attempted to have all brass not used by the military sent to be shredded and then sold to China as scrap metal. This brass is a huge source of casings for both reloaders as well as ammunition manufacturers. When six senators sent letters to the Defense Department wanting more information, the order to destroy the excess brass was shelved.
Ahh , I remember that , Many Companies that re manufacture Ammunition brought that to our attention, kinda silly to destroy brass and prohibit resale to the people who payed for it in the first place.

There was something else concerning changes to OSHA standards for transporting and storing gunpowder that would've basically made it impossible for gun stores to carry it , pretty sneaky.


Active Member
Yeh, the OSHA changes would have made it where it would have been near to impossible to buy ammunition because the "safety" standard would have been impossible for most sellers to comply with. Those changes bit the dust as well.

There is a lot of backdoor activity going on with regards to second amendment liberties. The three that we have both pointed out are just some of such.