Martin Timothy
Well-Known Member

The World Trade Center floor plan.

This infrared satellite shot shows the absolute destruction that occurred on 911, note that all but the North Wing of WTC 4 has disappeared completely.. the two planes that struck the towers did not possess enough kinetic energy to cause this level of destruction!
The remainder of this post is from Spooked at
The official 9/11 story is a lie, the plane hijackings and crashes were a massive and cruel hoax done in order to spark the obscene "war on terror", to cover up financial fraud, and to further the ends of the global elite, and was only the most egregious of several other recent false flag terror operations.

There is evidence that WTC's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 were taken down with internal nuclear devices, WTC 7 appears to have been imploded with conventional demolition methods as videos show no concomitant vaporization, nor massive chunks expelled outwards during its collapse.
The massive, rapid outward, as well as downward and upward explosions of the two towers, the toasted cars, but not paper, and popping ceiling lights, the micron sized dustification of tower contents, the levels of tritium and heavy metals, the underground molten steel and high temperatures weeks and months later, all can only be accounted for by nuclear devices and their EMPs.

The fact that the explosions are simultaneously outward, downward and upwards means we have a spherical blast wave, such as occurs with a nuclear device, in fact, the dimensions of the towers likely required several nukes, the towers are much taller than their other two dimensions.
A single large nuclear, spherical blast wave large enough to destroy a tower's complete height, would have been too powerful to be contained in its other two dimensions, so several smaller nukes likely were needed, and used. ...
This video appears to show a central mushroom cloud at the end of it, the similarity to underground test nukes means that any and all nukes were set off at least several floors below any extant levels. ... erglow.mpg
The well known collapse/vaporization of the remaining steel core after WTC1 fell is seen at the same time that we see the so called nuclear glow, this is also analogous to the dipping of the radio tower of WTC1 before the top piece accordions into itself, then vaporizes.

The final state of WTC3 revealed just three floors remaining.
Did the nukes going off in WTC 2 vaporize these chunks before they hit WTC3? Did the nukes of WTC1 cause the outer shell of WTC3 to later vaporize? Did after-collapse nukes do this? Should we call these cleaner nukes in analogy to how the regime sends in its cleaners to remove evidence after one of their agents has performed some nefarious deed? WTC 1-4 Base Explosions
Were deep underground nukes set off a few seconds before the start of visible collapse as audio and video indicates? Included herein is the supposed vaporization of the underground 50 ton steel press. ... ombing.htm
This also dovetails with reports of unexploded micro nukes being removed from the Oklahoma City bombing by federal agents, after being placed there and used by other federal agents.. Bill Deagle MD reported that a patient of his told him, "we removed two undetonated softball sized micronuclear bombs from the Murrah building."
It is hoped that people never forget that this horrific event was nothing less than a wanton, nuclear holocaust perpetrated against the American people by their government, and used as an excuse to wage unjustified war against the innocent in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan.