Wtf, ants in my pot plant soil.


Theres a shit load of ants in my soil making nests etc. I heard they arnt good for the plant. I sprinkled cinnamon ground around the soil but that doesn't work, they just came back. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
If they are infact ants and not some other species of insect, mix sugar and borax together in a 50-50 ratio on the surface. Ants cant tell the diff and will poison themselves.


Well-Known Member
If your growing organically, beneficial nematodes will kill them. They will also kill any other form of insect in your soil as well. It will not harm your beneficial microbes.


If they are infact ants and not some other species of insect, mix sugar and borax together in a 50-50 ratio on the surface. Ants cant tell the diff and will poison themselves.
I don't have borax.

It started yesterday I found some earth worms and chucked them in the pot and I woke up this morning with the earth worm dead with ants around it lol.

I think I might transplant her with new soil.


Well-Known Member
I don't have borax.

It started yesterday I found some earth worms and chucked them in the pot and I woke up this morning with the earth worm dead with ants around it lol.

I think I might transplant her with new soil.
Wont work if there are any eggs potentially attatced to very fine substrate near the roots.

Dude borax is available anywhere you buy sugar. Its just as cheap. Just a dry form of laundry detergsnt.

Maybe if you have baking soda you could try that and tell us what happened, but i have no idea if it would be as effective


Wont work if there are any eggs potentially attatced to very fine substrate near the roots.

Dude borax is available anywhere you buy sugar. Its just as cheap. Just a dry form of laundry detergsnt.

Maybe if you have baking soda you could try that and tell us what happened, but i have no idea if it would be as effective
I'm not sure how long ants take to hatch but my buds would be due for harvest in a month.

I might pick up some borax when I go out.

Left On Green

New Member
If I were one of those ants, i'd put up a fight to leave too, they hit the jackpot - lol. Here is some information I found to help you out:

For most species, control is only necessary in the garden if the population gets out of hand. Garden varieties do not actually eat plants or actively destroy any plant matter. Their main source of food is sugar, usually found in nectar, sap, or the honeydew excrement from aphids. In some cases, garden ants can actually be a beneficial insect as they will kill off more destructive pests like caterpillars. They are also natural soil aerators through their extensive tunneling systems. As food for beneficial animals such as birds, lizards, and toads, they will also encourage wildlife to flourish in your garden.

Two types of Ants to look out for: Carpenter Ants, and Fire Ants. Basically it is saying that as long as the nest is not excessive, then they will benefit the plant by aerating the soil. but if they happen to get out of hand, and build their nest at the base of the roots, you are in for trouble.

Best of luck!

Left on Green