Not that long since I added the fan, and it wasn’t blowing on them whatsoever. It barely moved the air in front of it.
1 100W marshydro light. Temps in enclosure range from 70s-80s (F) but coming winter time that’ll go down to 60s-70s.
These symptoms appear all over the plant and appeared literally over night. Entire leaves. There were already symptoms of other issues present. I have a third plant of the same variety growing in ‘succulent potting mix’ i got from my backyard, in a closet that is doing waaaayy better than these plants that are in pride lands premium shi. All three plants have received same treatment. Only difference is the medium.
I added some 3-7-4 terp tea a minute ago cus they are autoflowers that were supposed to be done in 2-3 months and I had seen from many auto growers that adding fertilizer too late could shock your plant into flowering early. I doubt they are out of nutes since the other plant which is in some BS doodoo soil only shows signs of mag deficiency.
I appreciate you taking the time, but I don’t know what you want me to say brother. I don’t appreciate the condescending tone.
I wanna appologize if i was condescending, there was just really very little info which is may have annoyed me when i answered; i cant say i remember too well what was my mental state, sleep deprivation... Mea culpa if i was but i hope to help really

maybe a bit pushy for details but wanted to ask for everything that could be needed to know instead of trickling in the info. Sorry, really. Thx for plenty of info and not giving me the same energy back
With led plants I generally try to steer people away from any "nutes in the soil" approaches and towards inert media with bottles.
With leds since they do not force the plants to transpire the same way as "hot lights" (sun, bulbs, flouro tubes; no real heat on the leaves) its usually required to match environment (temps/rh) to nute levels cause what the plant receives depends on how much it is able to transpire: you kinda need to match how strong the "juice" is to how much the plant is drinking to get it right. Nute bottles and no/low nutes in the media is your friend here usually. Not sure if and how much of this applies here or if im preaching to the choir and you already know this, i wanna be more conscious how i come across

i remember i video from everest fernandez having a video demonstrating how this type of problem, transpiration based over feeding, could express itself but i cannot quite remember which one but it should be able to be dug out from youtubing fernandez VPD. Vapour pressure deficit is a concept that is very important for growing with leds but also in general for understanding plants. With hotlights this thing with transpiration tends to be less fickle and just breeze along a bit better.
The plant has some burnt leaf tips that indicate over feeding on nutes. Its kind of all over the plant. This could be all of the sudden you had over transpiration (im thinking the fan; its the same as putting a fan on your drying clothes rack, it dries it out and in the case of a plant gets it drinking more, was there no air movement before?) or that the nutes just recently became available (less probable since you said over night). Maybe both at the same time. Sometimes this type of "transpiration overfeeding" happens on top of the plant where its closer to the light (hotter and drier) youll see those burnt tips on the top leaves. I your case these burnt tips are all over all of a sudden over night. If the plant was doing well before it may have been that it was dialed in and more drinking pushed it into a too much nutes situation.
I fully support you doing slurry test but not sure what is the best way forward after that. Continue growing with less air movement (i really dont like to give this advice, cause generally its something youd want) and i guess will see what slurry test says. What i would guess is that you have the first signs of some type of lock out but i cant really make out what.
If you have chlorosis due to the plant drawing too much nutes, and also air movement drying dead dying tissue you shouldnt be surprised its going brown, its dead leaf. Whats funny is how the rest of the plant actually dont look too bad at all, but feeding it terp tea nutrients may actually aggravate this problem.
Many times this type of look of the dead leaves in first msg would be deficiencies rather than over feeding. Its a tricky one. The general case with leds is low transpiration leading to deficiencies so again not an easy one.
Again sorry for initial energy, hope to do better and prob better not posting when im in a right f-in state.
Oh yes, on waterings; its usually the case that the less water guy is correct if unsure but its pointless to generalize in a specific situation.
"Hot lights" are much easier to see, when its low on water the leaves start to sagg from the bottom and the goes upwards. Some leaves far down pointing down completely (petiole may still be erect) is a dead sure way to know its watering time. With leds with low transpiration, visualized by lacking "leaf boner" and "praying" leaves, the point of "water now" maybe trickier to catch. But in pics the plant dont look so saggy, tricky call. Normally the "lift the pot and water when the pots seems a fair bit lighter" applies. Again, dont know your experience level just wanna cover some bases since you and partner arent in agreement (but seems like youd be likely to be right, not sure what the leaking babbages thing meant but sounds like they are quite wet . Over watering could be the cause of chlorosis due to overly wet roots, i cant remember if it was related to lack of iron uptake. Could well be several issues at same time so again, you pose a tricky problem and not surprised if this all looks strange to you; it does to me aswell.
Keep posting pics of how this progress and we see how its going, all the best