wtf happened? I woke up and ...


Active Member
Shultz,MG, and some others I cant think of have some sticks and bark in it. Im using Shultz which has perlite in it and so on. basically the same as MG but I did pick out all the big chucks of bark and sticks. I would sift out the bark/sticks and add your perlite to it.


Active Member
Heres my miracle grow. it says "For potting". and has plants all over it
Hehe...Will if we were growing orchids you would be in First Place!!!:-P. I was reading a orchid forum that said it was more acidic and mulchy, not to mention the time realease granules that could be releasing around your tender new baby...But who knows, maybe you could be onto something.:wall:


Active Member
I planted a buch of veggies this year out in the backyard in pots....helps hide my girls sometimes. My wife and I could have been drinking a little while we where potting these 20 plants or so. Anyway we went to get more soil to add to the peat for the last 5 plants or so. When we got back we realized the large bag of miracle grow was mulch mix for ground gradens, but we mixed it with peat anyway and planted our last plants....they did alright to start with and then all turned yellow. When we went back to the depot again I was checking out the other bags of MG and 3 out of the 4 said not for potting soil and actually had a red pot with a red circle and slash thru it.
The moral of the story is your dirt looks exactly like this ground mulch.....Get some nice soil and pull this little girl out and replant her a little deeper. You can even use a little solo cup and cut the bottom out later. good luck:-PView attachment 2195566View attachment 2195567See my little solo cup.

now THAT's a great little plant


Well-Known Member
im usign soem miracle grow stuff. didnt add perlite yet untill the transfer.
i water like every 2-3 days. but i spray bottle about every 5 hours just the top

***i just gave her a good watering and increased the lighting. it was only 1X 24w now its 2X 24 w and a 40w
its too young to're drowning it


Active Member
well im pretty sure she is dead now haha. it sucsk but i got more cming now!
PS, with the euro doign sooo bad these days. U guys should stock up! its almost 1 dolalr to 1 euro now!


Active Member
hey everybody. well i put my baby outside , and pretty much gave up on her. But now im looking at her, she still is green.
BUT the stem looks weaker. But, she apears to sorta kinda be standing up.
Is she dead ? her to side leaves are all bent in and seem dead, but the other set seems not bad.
am i beating a dead horse on this?

EDIT: u cant see it, but i got a baby stick holding it up



Well-Known Member
plant that in a bigger pot that is not transparent and water when needed and she should be fine....what is that yellow shit? tape? around clear plastic? no good.


Active Member
Looks very Saveable to me. I have a biodiesel thats 32 days old that just now took off, so you neve know...Really though repot her in looser bettter soil. They say not to, but it seems to me, every time I've gently cut the container apart and removed the seedling and started over its kicked started my plant. Your ph of the orchid mulch is off. Just get anykind of potting soil and start over in another container. ....go for it...:-P
p.s. Your very right about Texas heat...I've killed a couple before I realized it was to hot for direct Texas sunlight on new babies:-P


Active Member
plant that in a bigger pot that is not transparent and water when needed and she should be fine....what is that yellow shit? tape? around clear plastic? no good.
im bout to transplant now, im just scared she wont survive it. yes it was tape to block the sunlight to roots


Active Member
hey guys. it looks like it went well!!
I got a red cup like suggested.
2) added about a 1/3 perlite to the soil
3) picked out all the bark i coudl from the new soil.
I always watered the soil down real good before i transplanted. then sprayed the top after transplant. I have a question.
Its noon here and the sun will be on the other side of my house soon. So the plant will not be able to get light. is being outside in the shade gonna be enough light for her?
or should i go back to the cfl?


Active Member
hiyea...for now shes cool in the diffused lighting...Not to much direct sunlight or cfls being to close to her.:-P


Well-Known Member
outside is ok... i water after i transplant...not before..i like it dry when i transplant so the roots stay in one piece...i would water that cup heavy assuming there are a couple drain holes in that cup.