WTF?? Hermie? Take a look...........


Well-Known Member
Went to check on the girls tonight and noticed this one in the back......

This is about 5 wks 12/12 and I noticed there was hardly any bud on it so I climbed back there. Chopped it: this is the main cola.
Not sure if its THC Bomb or Mazar x Afghan........but it doesn't look at all like the others........

What's your take??


Well-Known Member
Looks heat stressed.

Not sure if I see any male flowers.
Thanks:-P.....and yes, definately some heat stress, but never had one come out like this.......and @ 5+wks..... It was in a back corner under a 400hps and thinking the fan was hitting it too hard too+ I just had a harvest out of there a week or so ago and had the RH down around 35%..... temps were 78-80 lights on 70 off........
Those leafs were thick like was just weird so I thought I 'd see what you guys thought......
It's in the compost peace:peace:

:leaf:Thanks again:leaf:
