WTF IS GOING ON? need help


Well-Known Member
eartly passions i love the ms paint diagram that is fucking sweet, and i do agree that using a cardbord box isnt a terrible idea i have used 2 different ones and had no problems, but that was with cfl's. dont know if i would throw a hps in a cardboard box though!

Timmy the Toker

Well-Known Member
a box lined w/ thin insulation board is a good idea. if the light were to suddenly explode into flames would it be able to withstand...probably not. Fire hits card board and its all over... , I'd rather use a plastic bin..., just deosnt look safe.

I know a bulb deosnt suddenly burst into flames but i would like to think i'd be safe if it ever happened. I smoke weed and im paranoid, sry.

That straw idea is great, i would try it even though the plants look like there stretched beyond repair. - I bet they fell over by now anyways.....