WTF is going on?!


Calyx LED
OK, so I went to check my plant tonight... and I open up the door to a droopy sad ass looking plant. I haven't watered for almost 48 hours I was planning on watering when I check on her, don't know if I should. Could this be caused by over watering?



Calyx LED
The watering schedule hasn't changed since day 1. This is the only thing I don't understand. The top is pretty dry but it drys very fast, gets somewhat moist at about 2"+. I thought that was decent?


Active Member
I have the same yellowing of the bottom leaves as yourself!
I'm just over 21 days vegging.
Not sure whether to be panicking or not???

Maybe if the two of us run around our respective growrooms, screaming like frightened schoolgirls it could help?? lol


Calyx LED
I have the same yellowing of the bottom leaves as yourself!
I'm just over 21 days vegging.
Not sure whether to be panicking or not???

Maybe if the two of us run around our respective growrooms, screaming like frightened schoolgirls it could help?? lol

LOL. That's funny shit. I think I have the yellowing figured out. I think it was due to the roots running out of room, and the plant starting to lock-up due to that.

You should throw your plants into some bigger containers and see if that helps. I just put mine in a bigger pot today, waiting to see if it helps. I also noticed you are using clear cups. You should use something that light cannot get through. Light is a root killer! That could be a part of your yellowing as well. ;)


Active Member
I'll take all yur advice on board. Thx.
I am keeping a journal of my first grow here and it was also suggested about the plastic cup thing, so im running over to my garden centre this minute to get supplies!!
Flametop out!!

ron jeremy

Active Member
hydrometer ----$10.00
finger (one or even two knuckles deep for all you perves out there) ----free
your plants not dying from to much water ----- priceless