
Active Member
I feel stupid asking this question, but why is it that my Black Ice plants and ONLY those two plants have these pronounced 'growths' that look like flowers at each node? I've never actually seen a plant flower, so this is kinda freaking me out. I think I can even see some resin in there. Are some strains just weird that way? Is there any chance that this totally healthy plant that's just vegging out beautifully is somehow switching to flowering in the middle of the summer outside? :-?


(tagging fdd2blk because he seems to be the outdoor master) :)


Active Member
she's budding buddy
Any idea why? We've had three rare cool (low 60's during the day), cloudy days in July in San Diego; can that do it? She doesn't seem stressed. She's gotten exactly the same care as all the other girls.

Will she go back to veg when the sun comes out hard again, or should I switch to flowering phase nutes?


Active Member
Oh, forgot to mention. I have two Black Ice plants. One's a runt, but BOTH are doing this. I've been hearing the term 'autoflower' a lot. Are there plants that just hit a certain number of days and then go for it? The Ice and Blue Dream strains are vegging like crazy still.


lol even a nooob knows when he sees a flower lol yeP get yer skins and kettle on the go well all pop around in about 5 weeks time maybe 6 lol let u dry it properly 1st :P:P good growth post more pics at later stage :D:D:


Well-Known Member
Oh, forgot to mention. I have two Black Ice plants. One's a runt, but BOTH are doing this. I've been hearing the term 'autoflower' a lot. Are there plants that just hit a certain number of days and then go for it? The Ice and Blue Dream strains are vegging like crazy still.
I have enjoyed the weather here in San Diego, I live in between Santee and El Cajon and it is hotter than shit here in July. Nice plants wish mine would start to flower.


Well-Known Member
Oh and you second pic shows some clawing, that is from over watering I am having the same problem.


Active Member
Oh and you second pic shows some clawing, that is from over watering I am having the same problem.
Yeah, I flooded the shit out of them testing out a new drip system and forgetting it was on. TWICE. Now I'm back to hand-watering.


Active Member
Ok, picture time. I think there's no doubt now. I see trichomes. All of these are pictures of "T", the largest Black Ice:

100x mag:

Normal view:

Now here's where I get REALLY nervous. This last pic is from my large Blue Dream (Maya). All the plants have a few little hairs in the 'buds' at the node intersections, but some of them look like this. Please tell me this one isn't flowering also:



Well-Known Member
were they clones? were they on 24/0 as clones and then put outside? the change in lighting times can trigger flowering. i have plants doing the same thing right now.


Active Member
were they clones? were they on 24/0 as clones and then put outside? the change in lighting times can trigger flowering. i have plants doing the same thing right now.
they were clones from 24/0...when they were about 4 inches high I brought them home and put them under my cfls for a few days at 24/0, then started putting them outside in the shade for a few more hours each day. Took about a week to get them all the way into full sun. The vegged out beautifully to their current sizes and then in the last week starting showing flowers. I thought if there was going to be a flowering response to the light change, it would have happened in May when I put them out, not over a month later? Maybe the combo of this stress AND the cold cloudy weather we've been having down here, after the girls got super hot bright weather earlier?

Your plants in that beautiful outdoor grow with the frame around it? You expect them to go ahead and flower normally?


Well-Known Member
some of mine look like they want to flower. they have some funky things going on. i almost wish they would flower now, they are getting too big.

The Snowman

Active Member
i think it's because the clones were cut when the plant was about to flower, and now they are being reverted back to veg and that's why you also have one finger leaves i'm pretty sure.