WTF is up with all of these Gangs/clubs on RIU??


Well-Known Member
What are the mod's doing in their spare time? is this a free for all now? Can we flag Groups? I thought this was a Free forum....Respect, Knowledge and honesty.... I dont wanna/nor will I, join a gang or club, (I joined a FORUM.....check out the definition) nor do I wanna get flack for posting in an open thread....which runs back to respect, .....someone asks you not to post....dont do it....dont be smacking the other actually know something...share it IF youre asked to. your research and have the knowledge to back it much Disinfo here it makes one dizzy...............Be Intelligent about it, dont diss someone cuz you think you have a better way or a better were a newbie once, before you had the internet....I'm tired of preaching, and dont think I need to tell you about manners, do I?


Active Member
welll said.... i too have noticed ( groups) people , freinds whatever u wanna called it always ganging up on a topic and stroking eacothers ego and putting others down even when they are not neccesarly right.... almost as a power trip thing

I am sorry that some of u dont have power in ur lives and get bossed around by ur spouse or boss but this is a low and sad way off getting a high by putting others down cuz ur online freind is supporting ur stupidity.... GROW UP!!
