WTF is wrong with California
So let me get this right too shield people in this country illegally you want to adopt policies that ignore common sense law like loitering "pssst" that is where the drug dealers are.... Owe and it is OK to damage people property with graffiti now because you know we can not arrest any illegals because they might be deported. You might not like the source but i take real issue with the Los Angeles Police Commission's thought process.
Luckily nobody cares about your opinion. Screenshot_2017-05-18-19-07-25.png
I have sympathy for them however, they made the choice to come here knowing very well what might happen. I am all for Dreamers being able to stay. Minors really did not have a choice. Grown ass adults though.should not be exempt from the law and our police should never drive narratives that oppose that law. If society no longer agrees with the current laws then elect people that will change them.

You know who builds walls?
So much love for your fellow man. We are better than this.
Dude do you know how much they are making these days? I promise you it is a lot more than you think. Maybe we should start a prison to farm program or help people in low income communities go to these jobs because i have to tell you its pretty dam good money.

Again it is their choice. Just like if i was a stupid and decided to take a trip to North Korea and was arrested I would have no one to blame but myself. Choices have consequences.

All the time's I have talked about Liberals wanting to govern with feeling instead of laws. This is a great example. The law is the law if you do not like it do something to change it.
Those jobs are available to anyone. I came from a farming community.

Every year the big farms post it at the unemployment office. It states the wage. They pay travel and relocation. They provide housing if needed also.

People now a days don't want jobs like that.
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Those jobs are available to anyone. I came from a farming community.

Every year the big farms post it at the unemployment office. It states the wage. They pay travel and relocation. They provide housing if needed also.

People now a days don't want jobs like that.
i personally feel like if people truly want to work, theres a job for everyone.. theres always something out there
I agree just don't see a lot of younger people doing back breaking labor like farming. Throwing hay or alfalfa and cutting tobacco.
Some masonry jobs I try to get helper's.. and I don't pay bad. But I'm honest about it telling them it's lifting stone and hauling 100 pound bags of cement all day. I typically offer 15 an hour. Not bad but not great pay.. still a fucking deal for a day job that could become more.
But noone wants to actually work anymore it's crazy
Until the US stops making everyone's life south of the border hell with our illegal drug policy, enabling the drug cartels to become more powerful than the militaries and governments, what do you expect?

Either legalize and regulate all drugs here in America and cutoff the demand going into America from Mexico and other Central and South American countries or get used to the citizens of those countries being displaced into the US

So the options are legalize drugs and dramatically decrease illegal immigration or keep drugs illegal and ensure illegal immigration continues... Seems like a pretty obvious choice to me..
I think you left out "ignores NAFTA labor accords and worker's rights violations." It's a bit incongruent with the drugs issues -- which are real -- but maybe labor issues are more important to people on both sides of the border.
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Some masonry jobs I try to get helper's.. and I don't pay bad. But I'm honest about it telling them it's lifting stone and hauling 100 pound bags of cement all day. I typically offer 15 an hour. Not bad but not great pay.. still a fucking deal for a day job that could become more.
But noone wants to actually work anymore it's crazy
I could do more work than I do. I can't find good help. I pay 10-12 depending on the work. Its all minimum wage here. 10-12 is decent money for the area.

I'm not a dick either. If someone puts out work worth more ill pay for it.
I could do more work than I do. I can't find good help. I pay 10-12 depending on the work. Its all minimum wage here. 10-12 is decent money for the area.

I'm not a dick either. If someone puts out work worth more ill pay for it.
Slave labor buck knows illegals for that
I could do more work than I do. I can't find good help. I pay 10-12 depending on the work. Its all minimum wage here. 10-12 is decent money for the area.

I'm not a dick either. If someone puts out work worth more ill pay for it.
minimum wage here is like 7.50... so i just double it, not bad for under the table work for a day or so. it comes down to me trying to help, but i keep getting people who arent willing to work. when i was down on my luck if i got offered over a hundred a day i came ready to work