WTF mouse problems?? (pics)


Well-Known Member
SO i planted about 15 seeds (freebies from nirvana) in rockwool solo cups i go out for a Halloween party the next night im back home decide to check if any sprouts are poking thru the soil and i see about 15 cups they look all dug up the rockwool is all shredded dirt everywhere ALL of the seeds i planted had been eaten, MAN I WAS PISSED awesome way to start a new crop.

so what do you think it can be mouse rat?? i really want to be precise whatever it is i wanna be sure i wanna get something that will capture or just maim this chick i kno has a 3ft boa i wanna drop that little fuck in and hopefully he will shit himself before he gets eaten alive 100s of dollars pissed away bcuz some little pos likes mj seeds


The first picture is the seedling you can see its small about the size of the solo cup looks as if whatever it was kind of stood up and leaned on her bcuz her top is all bent over

second pic is the seedlings that got eaten



Well-Known Member
They make these things for "Relocating" mice and rats. I "Relocated" my last one to a friend with snakes. They sell them at hardware stores for $20-$25. Mine was before I had plants - I am sorry for what happened - Bait the little fuckers in


Well-Known Member
They make these things for "Relocating" mice and rats. I "Relocated" my last one to a friend with snakes. They sell them at hardware stores for $20-$25. Mine was before I had plants - I am sorry for what happened - Bait the little fuckers in
have you ever heard of that tho i didnt even think that mice ate seeds when i open my room i find little holes like it has been digging twords the roots could it maybe be a ground squirrel or a chipmunk?


Well-Known Member
I have heard in an article of natural substances that oil of peperment keeps mice away, they hate it. I searched it on bing and found a number of places that sell it. you should look into it.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Definitely looks like a mice heist.
I use those blue blocks this time of year and try to figure out where the bastards get in the house.


Well-Known Member
Looks like they've been shredding the rockwool for nesting. I would find out where they are coming as they may be making a nest in your home for over the winter. If they are doing this, next you will be finding food packaging and boxes with holes in them. I battle the little tykes every winter in my home. My house backs onto miles of fields and they come from there. Every year we found a nest. Since we got our cats I've not seen them since. I must be thankful that they have never got as far as my grow space.


Active Member
Mice love pot seeds. I've used rego seeds on traps. They can become a real issue. Kill them all
So glad we don't have mice at our new place. I lived in Baltimore for awhile and that place is a fucking cesspool with trash and mice everywhere. Even nice houses in Baltimore have mice around. Now I live by a giant farm and see mice outside all the time running across the road, but never in our place. I'm glad, my dog would fucking chase them. Never had any eat my seeds (at least not seeds I wanted and would pay attention to), but if they ate my good seeds it would be mouse genocide at my place. lol.


New Member
Cannabis Seed was used at once within the Feed Industry , of course animals enjoy eating them like so ..

It pays to keep seeds and sprouts protected by all means necessary as even the average cat will feast upon them once sprouted . I keep things up off the floor with shelves and lights until the plants are strong enough to withstand trauma ..


Well-Known Member
Buy the larger alligator plastic rat traps. Bait them with a little peanut butter, they love it. Dump the dead bodies and rebait until they are all gone.


that sucks i've had that happen before me and a friend took his attic built a floor walls etc etc got it all setup then thought great now lets plant em we put them in paper towel while we were setting up put 56 sprouts in left them for about a day and a half came back and the bastard dug in through the drainage holes of each potter and had himself a great dinner we couldn't get rid of them all in all they ate 143 seeds after basically re doing his attic like a new bedroom we took it down and do separate grow