WTF! My bong just broke apart in my hands!

I was cleaning it with alcohol and salt, as is the method I'd seen recommended so much online, and yeah, that buildup came right off, but it also shattered like it had just been soaked in liquid nitrogen.

Maybe that method doesn't work for acrylic bongs, but you know, one of these guides could've FUCKING TOLD ME THAT!

I saved the stem, bowl, and seals so I have standard-size parts. Maybe I'll just find something cool to turn into my new bong.

It has to be a bong, I suck at rolling joints, and I can never go back to pipes now that I've had that great percolating beauty that is the "waterpipe".

Adamus P.R.I.M.E.

Well-Known Member
i just had that problem... i made one out of a plastic "Castillo" Rum 5th bottle... used the seal, stem, and slide... just gotta watch the tilt of the bottle or else your gonna get a shot of bong water...