WTF PURPLE leaf tips/edges!!?!??!!


Well-Known Member
Sup folks, first I will say this plant was put in soil that was too high in pH, and seems to of stunted the plant.. The first 2-3 sets of leaves were yellowed quite abit, and I have since trimmed them off..

I have looked around, and havent seem anything about purple discoloration, so hope some of you can help me

Its about 1 month old, and if only 2.5-3 inches tall.. Yeah thats my lighter..:-|

So I first noticed a bit of purpleish color running threw the stem, when it was very young.. It still has quite abit of purple in the stem..

Anyone knows if this means anything, and what it is?

Here is the top leaves, and you can see the purple in the tips, and outter edges

Its on its 9th node, and the lower 2-6 nodes have started to branch.. Some are on their 2nd nodes themselves..
Here is a nice shot of the lower nodes

Im happy it seems to be healthy, all but its stunted size, and the purple discoloration...LOL
I have been really having trouble getting seeds to sprout, and this is the only other plant left.. I had much more luck, when I didnt know wtf I was doing.. Now I have a pretty good idea, and have grown outdoors before..
Just cant seem to get sprouts to get going..

Im wanting to make this a mother (if it actually turns out to be female)
So a nice stocky, bushy plant would make a great mother plant..

Im just worried that the clones will be stunted too, or will they grow like normal...

I have 4 more hopefuls on the way..

For the record, Im using 75w CFLs, a 1/3 strength 7-3-3 nute..
I water as needed, and spray with same nute solution 1-2 times a day.. Lights on 18/6.. Just using normal potting soil

Any, and all suggestions/tips welcome! PLEASE drop me your 2 cents!


Well-Known Member
what kind of temperatures are you running at, low temps when your lights are off or just in general can cause purpling get a thermometer so you can see what temp. its at, you want around 70 no more than 85-90 and no less that 55-60


Well-Known Member

The purple leaves and stems could be caused by temps... ( above post)

It seems as if it is quite droopy.. you shouldn't water it so much.

If you can try to obtain a pH tester. this can lead to great grows, or really shitty grows.

Make sure when you water, let the soil dry out before adding more water.

and NO plant food yet! what kind of soil are you using anyway?

Many people say dony use backyard soil, but when i first started growing thats what i used, and i didnt have 1 problem cept when i started to add fertz and nutes.

I chose the soil where grass, and weeds were growing and took a chunk from there. added shit ton of perlite and it worked great!

My backyard soil pH was very close to nuetral ( 6.8 )


New Member
how many times am i going to see you having the same problems? it would be funny if you weren't killing off your plants. you're overwatering..... simple as that.


Well-Known Member
Temps are usually always 73-85 F. I do keep a fan blowing on it all the time..

Im not too sure if they are actually drooping, ince this plant is soo small, there isnt and stem to these leaves..

You say NO plant food, you mean nutes? THis plant is almost a month old..
Im sure it needs nutes.. Im only using potting soil.. Keep the suggestions comming, Im willing to brainstorm here :D


Well-Known Member
overwatering ya say? I only water it every few days, or so.. Other then that I just mist it abit..

I will stop wattering for the next 2-4 days, no misting or anything..
Will see if there are any positive changes..


Well-Known Member
I fell so sorry for that plant, I can't believe it's 1 month old looks like half that. I don't know about the purperling, to be honest I don't think it's temp because your top leafs aren't burnt. You have got nute burn however, as iI can see from the lower leaves. First stop feeding them nutes all together, it doesn't need them it's to small. Secondly do some research and just go over everything temp, lighting, soil, humidity ect. Because this plant is not doing well.


Well-Known Member
well this plant was stunted to begin with, and all lower leaves were yellowed and dying..
The last nodes you can see are actually the 3rd ones..
I know they are a bit yellow..
Just because the plant is so small, dont mean a month old plant dont need nutes does it?

I only been giving it 1/3 dose..

Thx for the swift feed back btw guys


Active Member
I would leave it on well Ph'd water, with a few drops of SuperThrive in it (only) till it gets at least 8" tall and has a root system that can handle the nutes.

The purple on the stem is not at all unusual for a strain that is related to a Purple. Once it gets bigger and starts getting nutes that should change once the nitrogen starts getting to it more via the nutes.

Personally, I would leach it (full flush with a couple gallons of water) and wash all that nute out of it, then let it sit for a few days till it needs water again, then H2O only (with the superthrive) for a couple weeks till it gets strong enough.



Well-Known Member
yea man i had that problem just dnt use any fert. for a little min. flush like i'dizz' said till the color goes back to normal an if your in veg. ur lights should keep the room above temp.s that may make it purple


Well-Known Member
Flush the soil really good.

3 galon water 7.0 pH per 1 galon of soil used. ( if you have a 1 galon pot, use 3 galons of water to flush)

Dont put ANY nutes

Leave it there till the soil COMPLETLY dries. when you see your plants perk up after the flush and stay that way for a few days then just slightly droop. this is when you water with 6.5pH water. and keep repeating the dry/ then water cycle and i assure you that your problems will be fixed. remember this is a WEED. It can grow in hard enviornments.. but even it needs the right balance for its roots.

Goodluck. Make sure to do this if you want your plants to live and grow.


Well-Known Member
Ok, will try.. Remember this plant is only 2.5 inches tall, and is in a seedling pot..
So there is only about 1 cup of soil in the pot if that...

Since I just watered it lastnight (before I posted this thread) Should I wait a few days for the soil to dry b4 flushing?

Why flush with pH 7 water, couldnt that shock the roots with a ph too high.. Thats how this plant was stunted in growth in the first place..
The soil was much too high..

Also so NO NUTES? like for how long? Its one month old.. I know its very small, but Im only using potting soil..
Doesnt it need some nutes at one month into veg?
I have only been using 1/3 the dose...

Thx again for any, and all advice potheads!


Well-Known Member
lol sweet thx for the link, I happen to have ready set grow 1-2 btw ;) plus a few others.. It just stinks that in real life there are alot of things that happen which cant always be covered in some books or videos...

Like a 1 month old 22.5 inch tall little bush...LOL
Since I started this thread the lower branches have really taken off, and are on their 2nd nodes, and the top leafs where you see the purple on the tips have about doubled in size..

It seems to be doing fine, other then this purple in the tips, and edges..
I will wait for soil to dry then leech it real good..

I just thought since it was so small the leaf stems were much shorter, and were not standing up like a normal sized plant would, I have also only been using 1/3 nutes for about 2 weeks or so..
Dont know if that matters or not.. Thx again for everyones feedback, you guys rule!


Well-Known Member
3x 75w CFLs.. 2x 6500k, and one 2800k...
The room teps are fine.. 75-80 all the time

Lumens Im not too sure on.


Well-Known Member
Figured it out, seems to of been getting abit root bound...

Im a dumbass, thinking just because it was only 3 inches tall
that it was ok inside the small ass pot it was sprouted in...

I did wait 3 days or so and let it totally dry out, and the plant went abit limp, and droopy.. So this was the first time it ever got that way.. So I really doubt it has been overwatered at all..
Because it never looked so droopy untill I stopped watering it for a few days..

Since I have only been using nutes for a few weeks, I also dont think flushing it was needed, but I did it anyways..
With 6.5 water..
Then I let it sit for abit, and just decided to pop it out of its pot, and take a look at whats been going on in the soil..
I was pretty suprised at all the roots webbed around, and knew it needed to be transplanted right away..

SO after I did that I mixed a 2/3 strength nute cocktail for it, and sprayed it down real good..
The very next day it was very easy to see how happy it was in its new home..
Perked up like never before, and I actually dont see any more purple discoloration on new leaf tips, or around the edges..

Even cleared up a little on the leaves that were purplish.. I took these pics the very next day after..
Which was a few days ago now, and has came a nice way since, but still you can see the difference..

Here is a nice shot of the lower branches.. They have since grown in much longer:hump:

I will upload a few more recent pics in a few days if anyone is interested..

I still havent had anyone tell me if a STUNTED plant will provide proper clones!! CAN someone please tell me what they think about that??

I plan 4 this to be a mother if its female.. BUT I DONT want tiny small STUNTED clones!!!
SO anyone know if a stunted plant that seems to doing well will provide good health clones, that will grow properly, and be normal plant sized??


Well-Known Member
Uou stunted it in that little seems to you that it happened on its on but the pot did, it right before you said you were root bound I was about to say you were root bound. Some plants never come back off after being root bound. Your clones who knows they could be dorks due to the stunting, but I honestly I dont think its a genetics issue like most kids poor parenting, lol just kidding. The bad bad bad news is that by causing her all that stress you may have taken all of the her out of her and be only left with a weird ass hermie...they say lots of stress=not a female most likely....I would love on it and get it back on a nute schedule and see what happens but dont put your eggs in that basket..get some seedlings going and good luck...