wtf? weeek 12 and sick plants

it has been 12 weeks and look at this? From the guide it looks like too much phosphorus but i have flushed them and given them nothing but water for the last month but they still keep getting worse. Should i just start over? I have to pull off about 10 dead leafs everyday.
Temp is good
ph is ~6.5
used sensibloom but just water for the last month
400w hps.
sick copy.jpg


Well-Known Member
They are rootbound, have root system stress,salt build up ,Ph out and are starving. Repot into a better mix than they had before with perlite and feed them hydro veg nutes every watering.
I can try to replant them but they are in 5 gallons containers pretty full and i flushed them twice with 10 gallons of water, wouldn't that get rid of the salts?
I transplanted one of them yesterday so ill wait and see. One thing, the 5 gallon container was almost all roots, could barely find any soil. What causes this as they are only about 3ft tall? Pretty sure that was the problem


Well-Known Member
Where's all the fan leave's the sugar factorie's?? these plant's did not get this way over night!! They look really sad. You obviously are missing something major in your space circulation or heat stress or???????plant's this size should look full and vibrant lucky if you can see the main stem not open and bare and shit!! You should do more reading on your grow this is sad you have much space with no knowledge.. talk to a friend or ask more question's ....This shouldn't happen...You can't go a month with out food can you? will this make you better? GIVE HER WHAT SHE REQUIRE'S OR AT LEAST WHAT SHE WOULD GET IN NATURE!! You can do this you just started off on the wrong foot re think your space and your grow......this is a normal 12 week old plant three week's short of harvest!!jackDSCN3319.jpg
Where's all the fan leave's the sugar factorie's?? these plant's did not get this way over night!! They look really sad. You obviously are missing something major in your space circulation or heat stress or???????plant's this size should look full and vibrant lucky if you can see the main stem not open and bare and shit!! You should do more reading on your grow this is sad you have much space with no knowledge.. talk to a friend or ask more question's ....This shouldn't happen...You can't go a month with out food can you? will this make you better? GIVE HER WHAT SHE REQUIRE'S OR AT LEAST WHAT SHE WOULD GET IN NATURE!! You can do this you just started off on the wrong foot re think your space and your grow......this is a normal 12 week old plant three week's short of harvest!!jackView attachment 2238984

You're right they have been going downhill for a month or so, the fan leaves fell off a few weeks ago. Got a soil testing kit and its fine. The guy at the grow shop told me to give them nothing but water (they thought it was nute burn)which I have been doing to no avail, then he said to let them dry out completly and wait a few days before giveng them water which didnt help. When i transplanted the one yesterday the entire bucket was full of roots so im thinking they were getting smothered. Took some of the old roots of that would come off easily and added about 2 more gallons of fresh soil. btw my last batch looked like your pic, same setup and same soil, I did get a new bulb though but i just changed that last week.


Well-Known Member
GOTO not bulb...not root's.....suspect mutated gene's bad strain possible but couldn't just be lack of oxygen to root mass ie pot's media,watering by that; but when you water them run one to two gallon's extra to help pull air to root mass..but it sound's to me just bad seed's...if you have had success in this environment then it has to be "OTHER" so I would suspect you have a pheno that is not stabilized from a breader who is not reputable (passing on phenotype's that are inferior) Wishing you a better grow my friend..,.,pm me if you need quality seed's for your grow I'll send you some! That my friend is a real shame.....


Well-Known Member
They would be fuller with more light. 400W should get the job done, maybe you could move them closer to the light?



Active Member
How are the plants right now? You got them in good shape again?
I think it might be the strain or the soil? Good luck!