WTF!!! whats goin on


Active Member
thanks tleaf its about 91/2 cm tall right now just measured it this morning will post pictures later tonight. and thank you as well home grown, was already getting happy


Well-Known Member
Nice to see that your plant recovered. It was defiantly a mix between the lights being too far away and not ph'ing the rockwool cubes before you planted, more so the lights. Now you know... it's all a learning experience.

As far as using Miracle-Gro... I have had noting but good results from it. I don't know why (some) people on cannabis boards stay away from it, but to each his own. Good luck on your grow and here is to it being a female. One thing for your future grows... if they have less stress from the beginning, they have a better chance to be females.



Well-Known Member
I dont know, I've used MG for 2 grows with less than great results. Its good if you're low on funds. My girls were always yellowing and for me, PH'ing MG soil was difficult. I think next time I will definatly use a more organic soil with no additives.

Good luck with the grow r34per!


Active Member
thanks DND and yeah you're right it is all a learning experiance everyone has to start somewhere and make their mistakes in order to get to where they want to be and be without any mistakes, and thanks to everyone else once again for all the great responses you all are gonna help make my first grows one of the most memorable