Can't fix stupid or lazy; however, it's the personal attacks that are hard to wrap my mind around ... Then in classic cancel culture style an admin will swoop in and cut your tongue out. Gotten used to it now that large media sites play god to the narrative that pleases them. So it goes.
It's been like this for awhile... whats funny is the shroom forums are just helpful and full of love... weed forums are like the rest of the internet at this point.
I’m almost 72. Been growing and smoking since the 60’s. 1960’s. This “sport” or art has always been filled with very helpful people but also some huge egos. The fact it was so illegal for so long has formed a definite culture.

Now all the states that are legal along with the internet and there’s a new crowd coming in. There’s always conflict between new and old. Eventually each accepts the other even if begrudgingly.
Can't fix stupid or lazy; however, it's the personal attacks that are hard to wrap my mind around ... Then in classic cancel culture style an admin will swoop in and cut your tongue out. Gotten used to it now that large media sites play god to the narrative that pleases them. So it goes.
well no, this is a private website you agreed to the terms and policies we own your content and posts, so yes we can do as we please because you literally said okay to it.
With legalization around the corner in so many states this is a pathetic time for these forums to turn to shit. There are many other online references that are actually educational without the bickering. The forums used to be an awesome place to share ideas and help each other out. Now its become a bickering argument over who is right or wrong, everyone tries to overtake a thread, and insecurities are out the wall. You can ask one thing in a thread and all of a sudden people are bringing up things completely irrelevant just to act like they have a point. Like I said, pathetic.
I just saw a rock..... it was cool. Totally unrelated,.... but that rock was cool. i wander around my place during a full moon and walk through the woods.... ok, Im a little high. I've live out here for 21 years , and there are sq feet of land I have never stepped on.
Goddamn... that Dosi Whoa! kicked my ass last night LOL... good times. Nothing like smoking your own, and taking a 2 am stroll in the country.