

Well-Known Member
i found a white powder on the leaves of 1 plant i took off those leaves and now its back and it looks like it is spreding what could this be? i am worried it is mold.
1 week before harvest


Well-Known Member
its probly mold whats your humidity at? have you tryed looking in side some of the bud to see if there is more hiding in there?


Active Member
Try using 1 teaspoon of ordinary baking soda per gallon of water and apply as a spray(mildew can't grow on leaves due too high PH from the Baking Soda).

Just be carefull(little dab will do ya), buds don't like alot of water - but Mold and Mildew does!

Turn your lights off as well so the light does'nt burn the leaves when spraying.

It has worked for me - 100% everytime!


Well-Known Member
Powdery mildew is serious business.... You also need to look into why you got it in the first place, and myself I wouldn't try any home remedy I'd go to the hydro shop and ask for the best thing they have for it. There are many different sprays.

Fix that environment though... What's your humidity and temperature in the grow? How can you add more airflow to it also....


Well-Known Member
ok i want to get it takin care of within the next 3 days cause then its lights out for 3 i will try the baking soda cause i am to far away from any grow shop.
thanks guys