

Well-Known Member
You stretched those poor things unbelievably. :(
Oh well, noob mistake I did it too my plant too - but not nearly as bad!!

What I would do if I was you, (and I would do this ASAP) is bury your plant in soil up to the first node (the first node being the first set of leaves) and get your light down as close as possible. Btw: thats not even enough light for 1 plant to fully grow, let alone the multiple ones you need.

You need on average 100W per plant, not 100W equivalent, but 100W of Fluorescent light per plant.
Take this for example: you have 2 24" t5's for a few plants, and I have x2 42 Watt CFLS and x2 26 Watt CFLS for 1 plant.

Something to think about, peace. :bigjoint:


You need on average 100W per plant, not 100W equivalent, but 100W of Fluorescent light per plant.
Take this for example: you have 2 24" t5's for a few plants, and I have x2 42 Watt CFLS and x2 26 Watt CFLS for 1 plant.

Something to think about, peace. :bigjoint:
I wasnt planning on using this light for a full grow, just for seeds and cloning. The guy at the store said this would be enough. What would you recommend? and unfortunantly the local place isnt opened on weekends so theyre gunna have to sit tight til monday


a week later and these are the survivors... The small one isnt that yellow in real life but they all seen fairly light in color. suggestions? I appreciate everyones help.



Well-Known Member
patience is the best suggestion.. looks like you are on the right track now.

in the future, don't support new seedlings. doing so will never allow the plant to develop a strong stem. you may feel like it's helping, but it's not.


way to streched move light closer and plant those things in pots or something just to support there stems


Well-Known Member
a week later and these are the survivors... The small one isnt that yellow in real life but they all seen fairly light in color. suggestions? I appreciate everyones help.

mine aren't that light but mine is also pretty light in color i haven't fed it for a few days soil still moist, (i added a air pump to try and speed up the process of drying and the roots sucking in more)


Well-Known Member
i also would have suggested but it's to late now if you have rooting hormones (try it with one first) (i haven't this just seems like it'd work) cut the stretched seedlings to about 2 or 3 inches from the top of it and put it in the hormone and it should sprout new roots and you can replant them and go about your marry ways lol and hopefully it wouldn't put so much stress on them they died (that's why i say try one first) but it's also to late but now people can know what to do if there shit gets stretched lol good luck to you and good lookin plants don't water them for a little bit


Active Member
Two days ago? - those plants look like they're two days old. Seeds will sprout without light. After they have sprouted you need to supply adequate amounts of light - without frying them, due to placing them too close, but without adequate light, like in your case, they will stretch in the hope that there's more light higher up, and in the process the'll fall over, and often not get back up - as in die.
Next time - more light.