Wub's Very First Grow.


Active Member
I think the answer to that is yes. I suggest you wait for someone more knowledgeable, but if you have only been in flower for 4 days it shouldn't be too bad.
Edit: But 4 days? ... Are you sure those ones are males?


Ok, here is what is happening. These little knots are only on 3 of the plants. 2 of the plants are really small, so nothing yet and the other plant is a different strain.



Active Member
You collecting pollen or anything?

Very nice plant though m8.

Edit: So? How many males? How many females? How many un-sexed yet? I hope you got at least a few females m8.


you can bring the plants back to veg but it'll go through a dormant period before coming back to veg growth cycle, but there is a point, like 3 to 4 weeks into bloom that this task creates a lot of stress to the plant.