Wut is the right way 2 cut bud?


Active Member
sure! ok so im assuming you didnt top your plant and it has only one main stock, just hack it at the base cut off all fan leaves and tie it to a hanger in your closet or grow space for a day or two to dry, then take it down start at the base first by cutting all unvaluable leaves leftover with small siccors (needs to be precise). once again start at the base, you shoud be able to see the stems that are holding the individual pieces of bud now so very carefully go in and clip the stem you should be able to do this up 2/3 of the stock until your reach the top colax which at this point looks like one long piece of bud and it is so just cut the extra main stock off and keep the top colax as is. put in a plastic air tight bin and open every 4-5 hours to cure it, the curing process lasts about 7-10 days. its important to cure so that the cannabanoids can convert themselves into their phsychoactive form.
