WW 16 Days, growing weird or normal?


Well-Known Member
Ok so I know the plant seems to be growing well, just a quickie question though..

The temps I am going to try and deal with by making the ontake bigger to the room, but I have noticed the humidity has been gettin pretty low(30-40%). Now most guides I have read suggest 50-60% until late in the flowering where you can bring it down to mid 30's. So I tried leaving 2 cups of water next to the plant but didn't notice much. Anybody got some suggestion or should I just stop fretting. Here is a quote from a guide on RIU

I find that low humidity causes stress on plants. I recommend 50-60% humidity until the final 2 weeks of flowering. At this point, the humidity should be lowered as much as possible to encourage the plant to seal and protect itself with additional resin. (I am able to get the humidity to go as low as 31%) I have been able to frost things up considerably this way. The higher humidity levels prior to final ripening reduce salt levels within the plant tissue and encourage healthy, more lush growth.
The first part that says that it causes stress worries me, damn you paranoia!


Well-Known Member
I had the same question and fdd told me to chill....mine is between 25-30% and you can take a look for yourself at the pics....so far...things continue to go well for me?


Well-Known Member
I had the same question and fdd told me to chill....mine is between 25-30% and you can take a look for yourself at the pics....so far...things continue to go well for me?
Ahh sweet, just needed to make sure. Yeah your plants look FANTASTIC. You are giving them a great start unlike mine which were crippled in the first 2 weeks. But I won't be making that mistake again that for sure. Good luck to the both of us:peace:


Well-Known Member
one step at a time....right now things look good...and that makes me happy....but as with so many different things....they can change in the blink of any eye....I will continue to nuture them as best I can and hopefully in anotehr ....welll too many weeks for me...hahahahaha...they'll be ready to harvest and cure! but ur right...they have had a good start. thanks!!


Well-Known Member
I just realised I have my PH too high, was about 6.4 but got it down to 6.0 now. Things can only get better:mrgreen:

I asked a question before about Nutes but no-one seemed to respond, so here goes again. Does anyone here use the Canna range of Nutes or heard much good about them? peeps on here don't seem to mention them at all. Im using the Canna Terra range specifically, is anyone else? Cheers:peace:


Well-Known Member
Cheers Tahoe, still doesn't look like many ppl use the Canna Terra range so I guess I'm on my own. They seem good but it would have been nice to see results from others..


Well-Known Member
Good Evenink

Thought I'd take some pics, been on 12/12 for 2 days now. In total the plant is 31 days old..

So I was shopping around and passed some CFL's, and also saw a desktop lamp holder that it would fit so I thought why not. Some of the branches at the bottom of the plant are in the dark due to the bushiness. So I stuck it near the bottom where a branch was poking out. It's a 30w(1900 lumen) 2700k bulb. Does anyone think it would help at all? The main light is a 400w HPS. Anyhoo you can see it in the pic

Cheers Dudes and Dudettes:peace:

XtC in me

Active Member
I'm growing white widow as well And i must say that your plants look really nice! Mine are just seedlings at the moment and i just wanted to get a glimpse of how WW looks during growth. Good job keep up the good work! Cheers


Well-Known Member
I'm growing white widow as well And i must say that your plants look really nice! Mine are just seedlings at the moment and i just wanted to get a glimpse of how WW looks during growth. Good job keep up the good work! Cheers
Thanks Bro

Yeah she is bushy and luscious haha.. I can't wait to light her up.

Good luck with your grow, be patient and reap the rewards:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
looking good....nice and full and bushy...I like the looks of that.
Thanks man, seems to be growing so well. I wonder if the CFL is actually doing anything? It seems there are mixed reviews about them on here, I'm sure it won't do any harm though:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
nope no harm....some people think maybe a waste of energy but....in my case they're working pretty well for now?


Well-Known Member
nope no harm....some people think maybe a waste of energy but....in my case they're working pretty well for now?
Well exactly, and I'm just using it to add to what I have, as some of the side branches are under the canopy and get hardly any light. And your grow rocks so I really need to stop convincing myself:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
How long usually does the plant show signs of budding when changed to 12/12? I put it on 12/12 like 4-5 days ago and the plant seems to have done nothing, not even growing much. I know it takes time, does the plant usually get a bit shocked when going 12/12 and take a few days to adapt?

Thanks for any replies:peace:


Well-Known Member
You could be waiting up to two weeks... so long as there have been no breaks, they should start showing any day now.
Cool, I was just being impatient. Its hard when u got no weed to smoke and this gorgeous smelling plant is producing what you crave. But don't worry, I would never harvest earlly otherwise it would be a complete waste of time.


Well-Known Member
Ok another noobie question I have not seen the answer too on any posts..

My plant is def female, will I get any usuable seeds from this plant at all? Would save me a few Quid for my next grow.. Cheers