WW Big leaf problem. PLEASE help. PICS


Well-Known Member
Sorry this is kinda long but wanted to give all of the details.

I have 2 Seedsman Fem White Widows that are 1 month into flowering and Ive had problems since I started 12/12.

First it was yellowing lower leaves with green veins. this later turned into many leaves throughout the plant being solid yellow and others having brown edges or spots.

I didn't use grow nutes but have used tiger bloom and big bloom according to the FF schedule. I didn't start with full strength. I have also been adding molasses and occasional cal-mag to the waterings. Water about every 3 days. Temp is normally between 75 and 88. Averages around 80.

I discovered about 11 days ago that my ph has been around 5-5.5, so since then I have rased it to around 7. These plants are about 25in tall and in approx 1.5-2gallon pots.

I had to get rid of males a few days ago and the roots looped around some in the bottom but didnt seem too bad.

None of these problems are present on new growth around the buds, as you can see.

What is the problem? I was thinking it could be several as the pH was low but it still seems to be getting worse.


Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
thats why I said to add low levels, I figured yer nutes already had low levels. Add like.5% more, also adjust yer pH to closer to 6. Be sure not to adjust more than .1% per day, or that can f**k ya up!


Well-Known Member
thats why I said to add low levels, I figured yer nutes already had low levels. Add like.5% more, also adjust yer pH to closer to 6. Be sure not to adjust more than .1% per day, or that can f**k ya up!
Oh, I see. I'll try to get some tomorrow. As far as pH, it was around 5 or 5.5 so I adjusted up to around seven for the past few waterings. Hope I didnt screw myself. Should I go 6 even though they have been low for 90% of their grow time? My line of thinking was that if it goes in around 7 and runoff is just a little under 7, then the dirt will be even a little lower because my water runs through very quickly.


Active Member
you can get plenty of nitrogen naturally from soaking egg shells in water, but not to close to bud time or else yur gonna get a sulfur tasting bud lol


Well-Known Member
you can get plenty of nitrogen naturally from soaking egg shells in water, but not to close to bud time or else yur gonna get a sulfur tasting bud lol
I havent heard of this. Could you elaborate?

Also, what is a blast? One feeding?


Well-Known Member
i have the same problem except its just mad hot in my cab. does anyone recommend using fertilizing spikes?


Well-Known Member
stay away from those supermarket ferts.

the easiest way for a blast of nitrogen is to piss in a gallon of water and feed it to ur girls thell love u for it.

tha amonia in ur urine turns to nitrogen as soon as it contacts the carbon in ur soil


Active Member
Go to fred myers and in the garden section look for "TerraCycle Herb Plant Food" comes in 20 oz or 2 liter bottle for around 4 bucks.. its Liquefied worm castings rich in nitro! it will turn a yellow plant green in 2 days


Well-Known Member
Go to fred myers and in the garden section look for "TerraCycle Herb Plant Food" comes in 20 oz or 2 liter bottle for around 4 bucks.. its Liquefied worm castings rich in nitro! it will turn a yellow plant green in 2 days
I havent heard of fred myers. Ill see if we have one. Any place else you know that sells it?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, in the US. No Fred Myers but it looks like there are some places that sell it here. Thanks


Well-Known Member
when or if u get it... post your results.. follow the standard directions on the bottle.. this stuff works great!
Will do. Ill need to water tomorrow or the next day so I'll get it in time for that. Or should I just water again right away? How long should it take to see results?