WW outdoor and Skunk Haze scrog


Active Member
Nice grow set up dude!

One thing it would be more cost efficient to use cfls untill you hit vegi growth. But if you are not cost minded then hps will do magic :)


Yay a reply lol and yeh i have to 18w cool white tubes sitting around will they be sweet to use?


Plants are growing strong double sets coming out now but two are drooping it sucks bad hoping some new good soil will help pucs comng sooon


Well-Known Member
Looks good don't over water them there just babies still. What soil you gonna get? I have been looking into Humboldt Nutrients they are organic and highly recommended, Ive used FoxFarm line up and they worked great, And also used Overdrive from Advanced nutrients and my outdoor plants responded nicely to it.


i dont know yet a friend of mine has some homemade soil for his veggies so i mite try that and i don't live in the us so i have never seen fox farm anything thanks for the reply


Hey people got some new pics up and something weird is happening my girls (hopefully) are nearly a month old and are tiny compaired to other would any one have any ideas why?? and my fucking fan for my cooltube fell down and knocked the reflector (homemade) down and burned my white widow *black pot looks witherd and fucked lol any the skunk hazes are powering along nicely and the one in the blue pot needs to be repotted will be happing in a few days

