Ww x bb 4weeks 4days since 12/12 looking good or too small?


Active Member
You and me appear to be roughly around the same stage of development. Your top colas are starting to turn amber while the lower buds are staying white for the most psrt, yeah?

And I plan on doing a 36hr dark cycle right before harvest with two solid flushes right in the last week.


yeah thats exactly wots happening mate, the very tops of the cola have about 40% amber pistil whilst the lower buds have mainly white. its defo not cause of heat either as there as some top colas lower than lower buds on other plants that have turned amber.
i plan too on flushing only in the last 5 to 7 days if possible wanna keep feeding my girls right up till the last point
you got any pics? what strain you growing?


Well-Known Member
looking good m8, got 9 of the same in myself, 2 weeks in to flower after 3 weeks vegging, mine sure did stretch since being repotted, however i noticed the bud formation seems to be a little behind what im used to, first time with this strain, ww x bb from female seeds. just starting to see bud sites appearing @ 2 weeks i, they're about 90cm high and 6 weeks at least left to go. ANYONE!!! Is this stretch gonna continue or will that be pretty much it and now she will concentrate on producing flowers?? I HAVE HEIGHT ISSUES TOO SO ANY HELP ASAP GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!! shall i top them now?? is is too late to top them now? if i was lollipopping, i would do it now so is it the same for taking 6 inches off the top??

with regards to flushing m8, i would flush from the end of week 6 thru to harvest to get all the salts, etc. out, and goodness she needs she will take from hereserves in the fan leaves etc. (thats why they turn yellow, she's cannabilising as it were). hope mine end up looking like these dude. good effort.